Another mass shooting

Here's the ACLU explaining why they opposed the Obama rule and were in favour of its repeal.
And another great example of why Cecilia is probably correct that nothing will be done:
studies show that people with mental disabilities are less likely to commit firearm crimes than to be the victims of violence by others.

Data show that young, white men are most likely to be mass shooters — the issue that politicians care about most, despite accounting for a tiny fraction of gun violence. And men under 35 commit most murders. Shall we enter all young men into the national database? The statistical correlation with gun violence would be stronger.
Unless blanket laws covering everyone are brought in, any new restrictions will always be open to claims of discrimination. It's tragic but I have to confesss it's a subject I rarely give much thought to these days. I used to marvel at the madness of US approach to guns in general, and school shootings in particular, but I've long since reconciled myself to the culture there meaning they'll just let the shooting up of schools happen again and again, until way after we've all gone - hopefully from natural causes and not some nutter with a gun.

some people are angry and things will not change as long as people keep voting in those morons who care more about stupid shit.

I'm sure I've said this before but I'll repeat:
I have family and friends who are retired police officers/vets and I even know a friend who is a member of the Pink Pistols. They all have guns.

They are all Responsible gun owners. They go to the range to practice and continue to qualify for ownership of their guns. I've never seen their guns because they don't wave them around like idiots. They take having a weapon VERY seriously.

In case our non-American members here haven't heard, the 18 year old who murdered children and teachers in Texas the other day right after his 18th birthday he just walked into a store a bought a gun. Just like that. Like he was buying a candy bar.

Frankly, if people want a gun in the US they need to do what we have to do when we want to drive a car. You take classes, you learn the rules of the road, you take a test, you pass the test, you get a license, and every few years years you renew that license. If you have a car you get insurance. Something similar needs to be done with gun ownership.

and for those people who scream 'the 2nd Amendment' let me remind them of the part they like to ignore: "well regulated militia". It means you don't allow ignorant 18 year olds to handle guns without being TRAINED.
If you actually trained people you would see the people who probably shouldn't have guns in action on the range. You might actually have an opportunity to prevent some angry incel kid from going off on his own killing spree.
More importantly you would be setting up teaching people to respect the danger of guns. I suspect many of us already know this, but too many don't. Most Americans don't own guns. The vast number of guns are owned by a small number of people. They just collect a large number of guns. The person I know who is a vet ('Nam) has a very large collection. I mean, everyone can have a hobby and that's his.
I like LEGO.
I really don't care about his large collection because I know he's not going to go on some insane rampage. We don't agree on any number of topics and I don't care because I still respect his talents. We just don't argue about those things.

Most Americans really DO want background checks and for judges to USE the existing red flag laws because those really do save lives.
None of these measures will change unless every American registers to vote and stops voting for obstructionists.
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idiots who want to arm teachers
I love those nutters.
The country is one of the worst for gun violence in the world and one of the easiest for access to guns.
Solution? More f*cking guns, baby!
Why not arm the kids too? And not just a pistol; give them a bazooka and a couple of grenades each, because you never know.
Reminds me of the old but sadly still relevant cartoon from the start of this thread (it was already old in 2016):
If you actually trained people you would see the people who probably shouldn't have guns in action on the range. You might actually have an opportunity to prevent some angry incel kid from going off on his own killing spree.
It's almost always a young man. It's very often someone who was bullied for being not normal in some way - and nobody cares to the extent that it's even considered no big deal to bully them posthumously by mocking their lack of sexual success with females (like that's something young men are supposed to accomplish).
And quite often they are on medications that have among their side effects suicidal and homicidal ideation.
Would these (quite rare) individuals kill as many people if they couldn't get guns? Probably not and just slowing down gun acquisition and would stymie the most impulsive of these many gun regulation proposals are akin to prescribing aspirin for a fever. The fever is just a symptom and cover up the symptoms doesn't make you not sick. Something is wrong with the social fabric, and the more touchy feely and racially and gender conscious "we" get the worse it seems to be.
It's almost always a young man. It's very often someone who was bullied for being not normal in some way - and nobody cares to the extent that it's even considered no big deal to bully them posthumously by mocking their lack of sexual success with females (like that's something young men are supposed to accomplish).

Some of the Nicolas Cruz survivors admitted, repeatedly, to bulling him for years when interviewed after the Parkland massacre. It seemed any time a microphone was put in front of their face a number of them would quickly go there. The FBI and local police were well aware what he was planning and were told to stand down. The school resource officer had orders to stand down.

I don't follow these events when they first happen because I don't like getting emotionally sucked in to the initial narrative, which is usually bullshit. I'm starting to look into the most recent event just now. I must ask, at what point does something qualify as a false flag? Does standing down and allowing the inevitable happen qualify?
people shouldn't get distracted by the "gun issue". There really IS data on how to identify people who potentially become mass shooters.

POLITICO: Can you take us through the profile of mass shooters that emerged from your research?

Peterson: There’s this really consistent pathway. Early childhood trauma seems to be the foundation, whether violence in the home, sexual assault, parental suicides, extreme bullying. Then you see the build toward hopelessness, despair, isolation, self-loathing, oftentimes rejection from peers. That turns into a really identifiable crisis point where they’re acting differently. Sometimes they have previous suicide attempts.

What’s different from traditional suicide is that the self-hate turns against a group. They start asking themselves, “Whose fault is this?” Is it a racial group or women or a religious group, or is it my classmates? The hate turns outward. There’s also this quest for fame and notoriety.

POLITICO: You’ve written about how mass shootings are always acts of violent suicide. Do people realize this is what’s happening in mass shootings?

Peterson: I don’t think most people realize that these are suicides, in addition to homicides. Mass shooters design these to be their final acts. When you realize this, it completely flips the idea that someone with a gun on the scene is going to deter this. If anything, that’s an incentive for these individuals. They are going in to be killed.

It’s hard to focus on the suicide because these are horrific homicides. But it’s a critical piece because we know so much from the suicide prevention world that can translate here.

The data is available and instead of getting all stupid/distracted about the 2nd Amendment, people need to focus on actually DOING something.

because some politicians tend to be dimwits, I don't have much hope, but maybe the rest of us can work on solutions despite the morons.
I must ask, at what point does something qualify as a false flag? Does standing down and allowing the inevitable happen qualify?

Cops Detain Dad Trying To Stop Mass Shooter As They Wait 40min Outside​

I don't follow these events when they first happen because I don't like getting emotionally sucked in to the initial narrative, which is usually bullshit. I'm starting to look into the most recent event just now. I must ask, at what point does something qualify as a false flag? Does standing down and allowing the inevitable happen qualify?

I saw this meme on my feed last week and ignored it. Its turning out true.

I saw this meme on my feed last week and ignored it. Its turning out true.

View attachment 2457

Authorities investigating if retired federal agent knew of Buffalo mass shooting plans in advance

“These were like-minded people who used this chat group to talk about their shared interests in racial hatred, replacement theory and hatred of anyone who is Jewish, a person of color or not of European ancestry,” said one of the two law enforcement officials with close knowledge of the investigation. “What is especially upsetting is that these six people received advanced notice of the Buffalo shooting, about 30 minutes before it happened.

“The FBI has verified that none of these people called law enforcement to warn them about the shooting. The FBI database shows no advance tips from anyone that this shooting was about to happen.”

Agents from the FBI are in the process of tracking down and interviewing the six people, including the retired agent, and attempting to determine if any of them should be charged as accomplices, the two sources with close knowledge of the probe told The Buffalo News.
The two sources did not identify the agent by name and could not confirm what federal agency he worked for.

The Buffalo FBI Office declined to comment on the investigation. The U.S. Attorney's Office in Buffalo declined through a spokeswoman to comment.

Buffalo civil rights attorney John V. Elmore said it will be outrageous if it turns out that a former law enforcement officer had advance notice of the shooting and did nothing to prevent it.


Ex-Federal Agent Investigated As ACCOMPLICE To Buffalo Perp, Uvalde Cops STOOD DOWN Sparking Outrage​

Tim Pool does Tim Pool and tries playing both sides of a story to a fault, but at least he is touching on this issue unlike most of the Liberal Media.
people shouldn't get distracted by the "gun issue". There really IS data on how to identify people who potentially become mass shooters.

The data is available and instead of getting all stupid/distracted about the 2nd Amendment, people need to focus on actually DOING something.

because some politicians tend to be dimwits, I don't have much hope, but maybe the rest of us can work on solutions despite the morons.
The recent episode of Med Cram mentions their work.
The recent episode of Med Cram mentions their work.
well done!

There's no way idiot politicians will do anything because they need those knees jerked.
The rest of us have to use this very important data and locate susceptible children before they get to the point of wanting to kill themselves and others.
The NRA are still a boogeyman? You do know they're bankrupt right? The NRA are not who are using financial and political weight to nurture school shootings and have police stand down.
The deliberate spreading of harmful lies is the point, not whether the NRA is what you call a boogeyman. The old guy in the clip is so convinced by the bollox he's been told that he asks the interviewer to look it up, only to abruptly decide the zinger he thought proved his point wasn't important after all when it becomes clear it's nonsense.
As I've already said, it matters little to me these days. I've spent so many years watching US folks dance so pointlessly around the real issues of gun violence that it just washes depressingly over me now.
Last night I listened to this discussion between Sam Harris and Graeme Wood, two highly intelligent people that I respect. It's an interesting discussion up to a point, however, it's also a disappointingly familiar example of why this isn't going to change until Americans change their attitudes to guns and we'll both be long dead before that happens.