Tracking the United States' national embarrassment.

this is what the GQP are encouraging

You must have been sleeping for the last ~7 years.




Not just imagery either.

Five people shot, including Republican congressman, at baseball practice

Man accused in plot to kill Kavanaugh eyed other justices, FBI says

That's not even getting into the hundreds of riots that burned down major blue cities and left tons of murder victims in the streets. That sort of riot behavior being cheered on by elected dems all the way to the top. Major leftwing publications were openly calling for more violence, including assassinating the orangeman.
Many leftists are siding with the right now about abolishing the FBI.

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Anyone, leftist or otherwise, siding with mad mental Madge the moon-howler, probably requires psychiatric help.
I'd wet my knickers if she somehow ended up in the White House. It'd be even funnier than Trump was.

You keep finding Trump hilarious for speaking truth.

Trump proves his passports were taken in FBI raid after CBS anchor O’Donnell reports otherwise

Trump’s passports returned after Mar-a-Lago search, DOJ official says

You keep finding Trump hilarious for speaking truth.
No, and if that's still your take after all this time there's probably no point in trying to explain it to you.
Might as well try to teach 2's complement to my cat.
BTW, anyone cheering on the raid and laughing at accurate statements Trump makes are becoming more and more fringe. Many Dem politicians and prominent leftists are speaking facts. Even a majority of leftwing media outlets are turning on the administration and the FBI (American Gestapo). Even far left Google is allowing articles in general searches.

DOJ to return Trump's passports as pressure grows about justification for search

No and if that's still your take after all this time there's probably no point in trying to explain it to you.
Might as well try to teach 2's complement to my cat.

Yes I know, you've previously justified your LOLz at Trump statements based on his speech patterns. You are LOLing at her here not due to what she retweeted, rather her speech pattern? Criminal charges against FBI agents involved are not exactly a crazy stretch of imagination.

No, it's more likely you just LOL along agreeing with whatever narrative you are fed, and get defensive with insults when challenged.
No, it's more likely you just LOL along agreeing with whatever narrative you are fed, and get defensive with insults when challenged.
Said with a glorious lack of irony or self-awareness.
And, as I previously implied, if you think Trump's speech patterns are the only the only thing I find funny about him I can only conclude that you haven't understood a word I've posted here for the last 6 years. Back to feline binary it is.

That's HIS opinion. Don't assume this guy speaks for me. Even if I understand his anger and frustration, I never support violence or vigilantism.

I don't think we will have an America unless justice is served. That means everyone who has committed a crime goes to trial, get convicted and serves time. I'm not worried about the details. I just don't want them getting away with their crimes.

And the White House should NEVER be used as a place of execution. That isn't what it was made for or what it represents.
I don't think we will have an America unless justice is served. That means everyone who has committed a crime goes to trial, get convicted and serves time. I'm not worried about the details. I just don't want them getting away with their crimes.
But her emails? And Hunter's laptop? And the deep state cabal?
Lock her up, lock them up... defend the blue line... law and goddam order, goddammit!
Until the blue line is looking like it may lock up someone we like.
Then it's a completely different story.
Why are they persecuting our hero? It's not fair! All this pathological liar who lies more often than he blinks ever did was tell the truth... etc, etc, until you want to boak.
Anyone, leftist or otherwise, siding with mad mental Madge the moon-howler, probably requires psychiatric help.
I'd wet my knickers if she somehow ended up in the White House. It'd be even funnier than Trump was.
"mad mental Madge the moon-howler"? I generally find the things MTG says are a lot less crazy than the things people say she says.
"mad mental Madge the moon-howler"?
The very same.
I generally find the things MTG says are a lot less crazy than the things people say she says.
Really? How curious. So, to cite but two from a multitude of possible examples, publicly saying "Democrats literally hate all police officers" or JFK's death was "another one of those Clinton murders,” (or generally pushing Q-anon gibberish such as Jewish space lasers causing wildfires, etc.) are the actions of someone with a reasonable point of view? If so, I think we have a different definition of reasonable.
The very same.

Really? How curious. So, to cite but two from a multitude of possible examples, publicly saying "Democrats literally hate all police officers" or JFK's death was "another one of those Clinton murders,” (or generally pushing Q-anon gibberish such as Jewish space lasers causing wildfires, etc.) are the actions of someone with a reasonable point of view? If so, I think we have a different definition of reasonable.
That last one is a good one. Bring me the quote where she says that.
That last one is a good one. Bring me the quote where she says that.
First two were quotes. The space laser was one of many Q-anon flavoured musings she posted on Facebook.

Perhaps more pertinently, you appear to see nothing unreasonable about the quotes provided, which still strikes me as curious. Do you think it's reasonable to claim that Clinton killed JFK jr. as part of a series of murders or that Democrats literally hate all police?
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That last one is a good one. Bring me the quote where she says that.

I had to google it myself, Robert swallowed the official narrative uncritically. No surprise there. "Jewish space lasers" was actually her referencing the Rothschild family in a wider comment about actual ongoing R&D. But you know, the Rothschild family are not allowed to be criticized, because Jewish. Not all Jewish of course, just certain Jewish. The Ministry Of Truth boils down anything they don't want discussed into a quick soundbite like "Jewish space lasers", and NPCs repeat it glassy eyed.

She was wrong anyhow. As was pointed out here on Whyzzat, California wildfires were caused not by a Jew, but rather a Hungarian Nazi collaborator. We have seen the pictures and arrest records of Antifa arsonists starting wildfires.
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GOP Rep. Roy Vows to Fire IRS, FBI Agents Abusing Authority if GOP Wins Majority

Tuesday, during an appearance on FNC’s “The Ingraham Angle,” Rep. Chip Roy (R-TX) pledged to end proxy voting along with IRS agents, FBI agents abusing their authority and those at the Department of Homeland Security who have attacked Border Patrol agents should Republicans take back Congress.

oppose proxy voting. I think we should end it if Republicans are in charge,” he said. “I also think we should pass legislation to fire bureaucrats, the bureaucrats who aren’t doing the job. I introduced a bill to do that.”

“And finally, Republicans should defund the bureaucracy,” Roy added. “We should fire the IRS agents. We should fire the FBI agents who are abusing authority. We should fire the DHS goons who are going after Border Patrol instead of securing the border. Let’s do our job.”