The Official War on Women Thread

Mitt Romney raising money at home of 'morning-after pill' exec

The pill, called
Plan B One-Step
, is produced by
Teva Pharmaceuticals
– and it is Teva’s chairman, Phil Frost, and his wife who are hosting the Romney fundraiser at their home on Miami’s exclusive Star Island. Anti-abortion activists sometimes refer to emergency contraception as “abortive pills,” a phrase Romney has used.
yeah, that's one of my favorite fascist acts.
yes, indeed, women are SOOOOO dumb don't tell them the truth. their heads will explode!


I don't know if you kids will remember this, but decades ago doctors didn't talk to their women patients as if they could understand anything. And if a women came into his office with a "complaint" they would brush it off. Because whatever women said just didn't matter.

I kid you not. It looks like the scum politicians want to return to those good ol days..... well, over my dead body. I am no one's slave
I don't know if you kids will remember this, but just last week doctors didn't talk to their patients as if they could understand anything. And if a women came into his office with a "complaint" they would brush it off. Because whatever the patient said just didn't matter.

it is worse for women. i will not argue that point. but drs as a rule treat their patients like ignoramus's, all while denouncing us for not being "involved" enough with our own health care...
it is worse for women. i will not argue that point. but drs as a rule treat their patients like ignoramus's, all while denouncing us for not being "involved" enough with our own health care...
I'm sure that's true of many people.....fortunately my mother and obviously my brother have been quite lucky with doctors. maybe it's because in New York you get a bigger choice and it's easier to find the good ones. Whatever it is I'm grateful because my family is alive and healthy and I selfishly like them around.

btw, mom is having eye surgery tomorrow. It's one of those 'old people' things. cataracts or whatever. Right eye tomorrow and the other eye in about a month. Her eye doc is fabulous. She has a practice of 100 patients a day and it appears to be ALL women working.

anyway, I heard stories about things doctors would say to mom decades ago and I'm glad she doesn't have to put up with that crap now.
A Message to Girls About Religious Men Who Fear You

Dear Girls,
You are powerful beyond words, because you threaten to unravel the control of corrupt men who abuse their authority.
In the United States last week there were people who wouldn't let boys play a baseball championship final because a girl was on the opposing team. She'd already had to sit out two games because of their demands. Why? Did she, a competitive athlete and a member of her team, chose to? Was she being good and respectful when she acceded to their demands? Why were they not asked to forfeit their games? What messages were sent to her and her teammates? This is not complicated. It sent the wrong messages. Confusing messages. Incoherent messages. You need to know that she should have been allowed to play and not have had to sit out two games. These people, and others like them, all over the world, led exclusively by religious men, are scared of you and will not let you be. You worry them constantly.
If you were not powerful, they would not take you so seriously and they take you very, very seriously. You should, too. You can set the world on fire.....
ladies.... light it up!!! ;)
been there, seen that..

I'm one of the fortunate. I was brought up by really intelligent people who respected me and my brain.
Inciteful and scintillating Fox News panelist and Sean Hannity buddy, Rev. Jesse Lee Peterson...
gingrich used to speak to an empty house too... its a game to get famous... have you seen my cow bait video? :D;)
Oklahoma Rape Victim Denied Emergency Contraceptives. Doctor Cites Religious Objection As Reason

The young woman asked the doctor whether or not emergency contraceptives were available and whether the doctor was simply refusing to provide them. The nurse told her “I will not give you emergency contraceptives because it goes against my belief.” The doctor refused to help her, even though she had just been raped, and refused to find another doctor to help her.
NY Republican Campaign Spokesman Suggests Throwing Acid Into The Faces Of Female Dem Senators

It’s by far the most violent rhetoric aimed at female Democrats so far in 2012, and may be unprecedented in American politics. The campaign spokesman for New York Republican Rep. Nan Hayworth took part in a discussion on Facebook and called for throwing acid into the faces of female Democratic senators
GOP campaign spokesman Jay Townsend joined discussion of a post regarding national gas prices on the NY19 U.S. House of Representatives Discussion Center Facebook page. In response to a commenter named Tom, Townsend made reference to the war on women and called for attacking female Democratic senators with acid:
Listen to Tom,” Townsend wrote. “What a little bee he has in his bonnet. Buzz Buzz. My question today … when is Tommy boy going to weigh in on all the Lilly Ledbetter hypocrites who claim to be fighting the War on Women? Let’s hurl some acid at those female democratic Senators who won’t abide the mandates they want to impose on the private sector.
oooh, looks like someone is about to get fired