
Trump Threatens to Seat Former Bill Clinton Mistress in Front Row at Debate **UPDATE** She Accepts!

Donald Trump responded to news that Hillary Clinton’s campaign was planning to place outspoken Trump critic Mark Cuban — a Clinton supporter — in the front row at Monday’s debate to troll the Republican nominee.

“If dopey Mark Cuban of failed Benefactor fame wants to sit in the front row, perhaps I will put Gennifer Flowers right alongside of him!” Trump responded on Twitter Saturday morning.

Gennifer Flowers is one of Bill Clinton’s former mistresses.


BuzzFeed reports that Flowers’ assistant, Judy Stell, emailed them a statement saying, “Ms. Flowers has agreed to join Donald at the debate.”
Weak sauce by Trump. He let Hillary get nasty and go negative and he didn't hit back very hard. He's trying to hard to "look presidential". I don't like his 'Stop And Frisk' proposal either.
Lester Holt: The Third Debater

At tonight’s debate, Donald Trump faced off not just against Hillary Clinton, but against moderator Lester Holt.

The game of two-on-one saw Holt ask no questions about:

  • Hillary’s emails
  • Benghazi
  • The Clinton Foundation

While ignoring these issues, Holt grilled Trump on stop-and-frisk, the birther story, his comments about women, his many bankruptcies, why he hasn’t released his tax returns — and a host of other issues the media sees as unfriendly to the Republican candidate.

Holt also repeatedly attempted to “fact check” on some of Trump’s positions, such as his claim to have opposed the Iraq War from the beginning. Holt interrupted Trump several times to interject, but rarely succeeded (and may have come across as weak and impotent).
I don't like his 'Stop And Frisk' proposal either.

Having slept on it, really sticks in my craw. It wasn't a throw away comment either. He harped on it for quite a while. Stop And Frisk goes 100% against the Fourth Amendment. It is bad enough the TSA is violating it daily, now he wants street cops doing it too? Might be a deal breaker for me.
It all depends on how it is implemented. As it was, it was not any better than the Terrorist Watch list.
Though he is very right that cops need to have better community relations. They need to get out of the cars. Walk the beat, etc.
TV Clip Shows Donald Trump Did Not Support Iraq War, Despite Lester Holt, ‘Fact Check’ Claims

The Democrats’ strategy is to divert attention from Clinton’s support for the war by arguing that Trump backed the Iraq campaign in 2003. They base that claim on a tepid 2002 endorsement by Trump when he was being interviewed on Howard Stern’s radio show. “Yeah, I guess so,” Trump said when asked if he supported the pending campaign.

In sharp contrast to Trump’s comments as a New York real-estate developer, then-New York Sen. Hillary Clinton repeatedly spoke in favor of the campaign, and she cast her vote to authorize and fund the war.

The new tape of Trump’s opposition comes from January 2003, before the operation was launched.

In another thread, Robert posted Funny Pics '16.

While braggadocio seems accurate to me I'm less inclined to call Trump "racist". The idea of throttling immigration can be considered racist but I don't necessarily disagree with closing borders. If, in the west, we have cultural values that we hold dear then I don't see a contradiction in acting to prevent dilution of those values or allowing an influx of people who don't hold those values.

We can claims that one of our values is tolerance but does that mean that we should tolerate the intolerant or doe that means we should tolerate those who disagree with us on the condition that they also show tolerance to us. Or should we show tolerance only to those that hold tolerance itself to be a value they hold? Surely valuing tolerance does not mean simply tolerating those who hate and act against tolerance.

Because cultures and races historically have formed together and because of how we make associations from our experiences and from hearing the experiences of others we make assumptions about a person's culture based on their apparent race. This is not necessarily mal adaptive.

The problem is that cultural differences ARE an important I pediment to interaction - partly because the form of interaction and the meaning of the form differ from culture to culture. While a smile is understood universally, on the opposite end we have language which is a big communication barrier between cultures and in between we have such things as hand signs and what to bring to another persons house when you visit. On one level the cultural values of a person are more important for the kinds of interactions you will have that morphological differences. Note how poorly a Hillary supporter will generally get along with a Trump supporter even if they are indistinguishable in ski color.

One problem with rapid immigration is that it destructive to the cohesiveness of the local population. A large new population tends to ghettoize and cause friction with the neighbors. I think the ruling classes are not necessarily unaware of this. Naturally, though, it should ultimately blow up in open street warfare and become an ungovernable mess except that anyone who thinks assimilation is an important part of immigration is excoriated as a racist. Valuing your own culture as enlightened is a sin for us, a right that we must extend to others.

As long as people demean such concerns as simple "racism", which is also a thing that exists, then the people with cultural concerns will find their allies among the truly racist with which they are conflated.

If Americans are afraid of Muslims and Mexicans then that is a result of decades of news stories and policies of people like the neo-cons and CIA stirring up unrest in the middle east for their own purposes. If Trump capitalizes on this then all power to him (as the saying, and perhaps the election goes). The political classes prepared this ground - they dug their own grave - I hope.
Further to the comment above...

I don't think Trump is a liar in the same way that Hillary is. Trump may have propounded the birther "lie" for five years, for example, but was he lying? It seems to me that he earnestly believes his whoppers. Now, that may seem as unsettling in itself but I would contend it is on a less dangerous level than the kind of lies Hillary tells wherein I am sure she knows that she is telling lies but does it with a straight face and utter conviction.

When Trump says he remembered Muslims dancing on 9/11 he probably does (I recall that Fox and perhaps some other networks did show unrelated Palestinian celebrations out of context with possibly deliberate intent to muddy the waters) but memory is malleable and the incident is not necessarily important even if it had happened. On the other hand, Hillary is smart enough to know that what she did to keep her emails out of the public record was wrong and she is smart enough to know that what has leaked is damaging and she is smart enough to know that Putin didn't hack the DNC, but she flat out lies about it anyway.

I can much more readily trust a person who says what they believe even if I know they are wrong than a person who knows the truth but effortlessly tells me the opposite.
So Trump is racist but only when it's necessary to protect US culture and a liar but only when he is unaware that he's lying.
Got it.

Either way, even if he is neither of these things, he is undeniably an arsehole.
Either way, even if he is neither of these things, he is undeniably an arsehole.

Asshole? Yeah that he could be called at times. I'd rather elect an asshole than a certifiably evil person.
Asshole? Yeah that he could be called at times. I'd rather elect an asshole than a certifiably evil person.

Agreed. I'm not terribly concerned about electing an asshole. It's not like the parade of nice guys and baffoons we've marched out have gotten along with the rest of the world and we've had peace or prosperity.

Trump is at least a change. At a time when wealth distribution is more lopsided than ever in the US, and racial tensions are at their highest in the past 50 years... Hillary offers 4 more years of the same. And wonders why people aren't packing the streets to cheer for it. It's hard to imagine a more tone deaf message or messenger.

Trump may well backfire and be just as bad. I'm not at all convinced he's the right man. But I'm with Fluffy that Trump's off-the-cuff comments and possibly incorrect hot takes are a very different proposition from Hillary's calculated falsities.