Progressive's Failure To Boycott Limbaugh

I thought Canada was going Sharia, so you would have inside info on up comming cultural changes.

they wont like it, we have christorea (shitty christian) law here in the bible belt and it pretty much sucks... :(

As Millions of Dollars Vanish Forever, Rush Limbaugh Goes into Boycott Denial

Limbaugh’s desperation knows no limits. Not only has the boycott worked, it has also cost radio stations who run his show millions. Limbaugh has tried a PR firm for damage control, blaming Obama, and creating a Facebook page to show how much women support him, but still the advertisers aren’t coming back.

Rush can believe in his heart that the Sandra Fluke controversy was contrived, but it was born out of his own comments. Limbaugh is still making excuses and refusing to take responsibility for what he has done. Even losing millions of dollars can’t teach man-child Rush Limbaugh his lesson. Rush can make all the excuses that he wants, but his business partners’ wallets are reaping what his mouth sowed.

A bust of Rush Limbaugh, a Cape Girardeau native, was unveiled at the Missouri Hall of Fame ceremony yesterday.

joining President Harry Truman, Mark Twain, Walt Disney, George Washington Carver and Stan Musial at the Missouri Capitol in the Hall of Famous Missourians

cue hysterical progressive responses
let's check in on this "failure", shall we.

Last year, over 140 advertisers severed their relationship with the Limbaugh program after the host launched a series of sexist attacks on women’s health advocate Sandra Fluke.
awwwww, poor porky pig

Cumulus, according the POLITICO report, will also drop Sean Hannity. In 2012, nearly 100 advertisers also dropped the Hannity show,
oh, SNAP! another pig got poked

Limbaugh recently acknowledged difficulty selling ads, complaining ad buyers are “are young women fresh out of college, liberal feminists who hate conservatism“
yeah, sure...THAT'S the reason :rolleyes:

it's couldn't possibly be all that bile you spew

maybe ol' fatso will find a job at chick fil a
At least he'll never be hungary
Bad News For Limbaugh

“Between the two other 24/7 right wing stations, KABC (0.7) and KRLA (0.3), the total audience is right at a 1 share, meaning 99% of the available audience does NOT listen to conservative talk radio, despite the bluster and bravado. Rush being taken off KFI’s signal on 640AM and shoved up into the upper end of the AM dial at 1150AM is the radio equivalent of being put in the naughty corner.
And yes, Rush’s ratings have taken a hit on KFI since the “slut” incident.
So while this is bad news for progressive talk, the fact that Beck, Rush and Hannity will be confined to a bad signal on a bad dial location is cause for concern in right wing circles. Believe it.”
The answer is clear to why Rush is taking radio. Radio listeners are old white males. The young generation uses the internet for 'radio'. Be that podcasts, iTunes, Spotify, etc. Rush's audience is one of attrition as he attracts mainly technophobic conservatives.