Paris attackers motive is unknown

I think they make the pitches bigger now. Running from one end to the other seems to take much more out of a chap than back in the day on the old pitches.
I tend to only play 5 or 7 a-side these days but all that does is make the game quicker and boards around the pitch prevent any breaks for the ball going out so, on the odd occasion that I do play 11s, I actually find it a bit easier on the auld, knackered lungs.
For some reason I absolutely love the game. Still, aherm, play* it and still regularly attend matches but you're absolutely right; it tends to attract some right arseholes, regardless of the team/country.

*I say I still play football but I was never particularly good and now, at 43, I'm gradually becoming a shadow of that formerly mediocre player.
I found it really really difficult to appreciate football as it is because of all the barbarity around it, but thanks to good friends who wanted to watch it with me, I learned to seperate the barbarism from the actual game.
Still, I am wary of it.