Political Jokes

This made me smile. Even Fox seem to think banning journalists for asking questions you don't like is offside:
“We stand in strong solidarity with CNN for the right to full access for our journalists as part of a free and unfettered press”

Don't be too surprised if Trump starts to point out fake Fox news stories soon.
This made me smile. Even Fox seem to think banning journalists for asking questions you don't like is offside:

Don't be too surprised if Trump starts to point out fake Fox news stories soon.

Where does it end when it comes to access? Infowars has a larger audience than CNN these days, should Infowars have access? If it isn't about size of viewership and just access for all, should The Onion have access? TYT? Me if I start a Youtube channel to talk about news and get a few viewers?

CNN has the same journalist integrity as The Onion these days, or better yet YourNewsWire. .
Alex Jones is still a thing? Wow!
He popped up in an Ars article today:
YouTube removed four videos from Jones' channel that allegedly contained instances of hate speech and child endangerment and issued one strike to his account. That new strike prevents Jones from live streaming for 90 days.

Two of the removed videos allegedly contained hate speech against Muslims, and one video was said to have contained hate speech against transgender people. The fourth video showed a child being pushed to the ground by an adult male and was titled "How to prevent liberalism." That video remains up on InfoWars' Facebook page.

"We have longstanding policies against child endangerment and hate speech,” a YouTube representative said in a statement.

I imagine he'll pop back up soon enough with another video explaining to us how the above is all part of the global-elite-Islamic-paedophillic-libertard-conspiracy to silence him and hide the truth about Obama's birth certificate.
He popped up in an Ars article today:

I imagine he'll pop back up soon enough with another video explaining to us how the above is all part of the global-elite-Islamic-paedophillic-libertard-conspiracy to silence him and hide the truth about Obama's birth certificate.

Those bans are already overturned. They were targeted for a reason yesterday. If you want to know that reason, look at what happened to Facebook's stock yesterday and why that happened to their stock yesterday. Cliff notes: FB stock suffered the largest one day drop of any stock in the history of the world.
Perhaps that's why Fox "stand in strong solidarity" with them.

BTW the White House is claiming the whole CNN incident is fake news, because CNN simply refused to leave after the press event was over despite being asked repeatedly to leave.

White House: CNN Broke ‘Process, Procedure, and Protocol’ During Press Event

It had nothing to do with the content of the questions. Those are news-of-the-day questions. What it had to do with — and you guys know how it works — when the president thanks the press for attending an event, the event is over — or at least the press engagement is over at that time. This…the reporter in question that you’re talking about was told repeatedly to leave the Oval Office. They refused to do that. Stayed in the Oval Office, despite staff, Secret Service, everyone trying to usher everyone out of the room. And that can’t happen.
