The Official War on Women Thread

one small battle won :

For-Profit Corporation Is Not A Person With Ability To Exercise Religious Freedom Rights, Federal Court Says

A Michigan-based for-profit business that manufactures fuel systems, power-steering systems and medical devices does not have the right to an exemption from the Obama administration’s birth control mandate, a federal appeals court ruled today.

In a unanimous opinion, the 6th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals found that Autocam Corporation is not entitled to an exemption from the contraceptive mandate, which requires most businesses to provide workers with health insurance that includes no-cost birth control. The court said a secular, for-profit company is not a person that can exercise religion under the Religious Freedom Restoration Act (RFRA).

Americans United Executive Director the Rev. Barry W. Lynn said the court made the right call. Secular corporations are not people with religious liberty rights, Lynn said.

“Religious liberty is for people, not Big Business,” Lynn asserted. “No corporation should ever be able to tell its employees that they can’t have access to contraceptive coverage simply because it offends the boss’ religious views.”
“He - and if there is a God, I am convinced he is a he, because no woman could or would ever {bleep} things up this badly.”
George Carlin
Well, I know woman emancipation has come a long way*, but nowadays, it's being used mindlessly, disregarding a person's qualities. It really becomes discriminating.
I got friends, app. 50/50 male/female, and I don't think of them as being woman or man, just the person they are and what they're good at.
I find it offensive if women get their drinks for free on a "women's night", as if the first amendment in our law means nothing at all.
We're so used to thoroughly wrong and discriminating customs that our fundaments are plainly ignored.

*Mind you, I say this from a Dutch p.o.v.
The religious right like there is in the US is practically non-existent here.
Well, I know woman emancipation has come a long way, but nowadays, it's being used mindlessly, disregarding a person's qualities. It really becomes discriminating.
I got friends, app. 50/50 male/female, and I don't think of them as being woman or man, just the person they are and what they're good at.
I find it offensive if women get their drinks for free on a "women's night", as if the first amendment in our law means nothing at all.
We're so used to thoroughly wrong and discriminating customs that our fundaments are plainly ignored.

i was often resentful of the wrong things... dont let georges words bother you... we're still gonna have those issues... i dont necessarily "agree" with george but i do feel that "man rule" and the fallicies associated with that are long overdue for a second look... like george says... question everything...
i was often resentful of the wrong things... dont let georges words bother you... we're still gonna have those issues... i dont necessarily "agree" with george but i do feel that "man rule" and the fallicies associated with that are long overdue for a second look... like george says... question everything...
Well, the "man rule" has become more the "blatherer's rule" in this country. Those men and women with the most noise rule and those who are actually "in the field" are ridiculed if they oppose the countless fantasies these blatherers come up with. That's why this country's economy is still in deep sh*t, no one in the government comes up with any practical solution whatsoever, because their only talent is making air hot and moisty.
well i appreciate that... tho i do not agree... george carlin is a comedian... not a blatherer... just making remarks on his observations of life... i do the same... you do too... point is? god is not a woman? prove it. stuff is pretty effed up actually, maybe george is a closet misogynist... you know pointing out that "women never do this" in a tongue and cheek manner... i dunno... he sounds sure when he says it tho... or maybe he's saying guys have dropped the ball... prolly closer to true... i dunno... i just think he's funny...
speel... all i do know for sure is this... when i think of supreme loving being, i think of my momma first... feel free to do as you wish...
George was a comedian - and a brilliant one. his joke wasn't that women are ALWAYS superior to ALL men.

it had to do with institutional political realities. Those in power tend to bully because they CAN
well i appreciate that... tho i do not agree... george carlin is a comedian... not a blatherer... just making remarks on his observations of life... i do the same... you do too... point is? god is not a woman? prove it. stuff is pretty effed up actually, maybe george is a closet misogynist... you know pointing out that "women never do this" in a tongue and cheek manner... i dunno... he sounds sure when he says it tho... or maybe he's saying guys have dropped the ball... prolly closer to true... i dunno... i just think he's funny...
If there'd be a god it'd quantummechanically be both man and woman.
If there'd be a god it'd quantummechanically be both man and woman.

in a perfect world that line of thought would work out very well for you, but this is by far, not that perfect world. i'd love to tell you, as a man, that we are "grunt grunt" the best thing walking this earth... but when i sit and think for a minute (actually a nanosecond) i realize that everything i am, will be, or will ever be i owe to the love and support of two women, i find your remarks unsupported by "my" known reality.