Why do I even care any more?


Active Member
Mar 26, 2005
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Morning guys,

So, I'm sitting here on the verge of being banned from Amiga.org, which I find funny as hell to begin with, for trying to squash an admitted troll (Franko). The guy urks the hell out of me, and if I still owned the site, he would have been banned, day one.

The fact that Bill not only openly supports him but defends him even pisses me off moreso, so the question I'm trying to ask myself is -- why do I even care any more?

Yes, I devoted 15 years of my life to the site, from creation through the time that I sold it to the new guys -- wow, is it almost two years ago now?

Yes, as such and as a site, I still have a natural vested interest. What I see however is that 85% of the reported posts are all about Franko, and the site is devolving into more of a Moobunny than anything actually Amiga-related. No, I couldn't care less about the Amiga, but that's not the point.

I have so-far resisted the strong urge to go into the system and ban Franko myself. Ban him in such a way that it can't be reversed, but again, someone please feel free to tell me why I should even care this much any more?

Bill and his parter(s) bought the site. Even though he's now too busy to run it (as was I), it's really his problem and I should let him deal with it. Trouble is, the fact that he isn't dealing with it and is allowing the site to go straight to hell somehow bothers me.

I'm just posting this here because frankly, this is where all the adults who used to visit AO ended up, and we all know for a fact that if I were to post this there, it would just be more troll bait for the kiddies.

Feel free to toss in an opinion. Whether I'm right or wrong, I'm just curious as to whether anyone can answer my actual question..

I read your comment in AO's new Thunderdome, sorry, sock drawer about the place becoming a wildlife troll reservation and whilst I did chuckle a little to myself for the wording I have to say I'm a little saddened by it's truth.

Whether you're right or wrong? I have to say if I'd spent years building something up, sold it on and watched someone leave it to rot yeah I'd be pissed too.

As far as Franko goes... He's bully in a very real sense and I can well see the day that someone stupid enough to let him get to know them will end up getting seriously mauled when they dare disagree with the mentalist (consider how much sand he's managed to get in his vagina after being called out by you for instance). Remember this is a guy who states his medication is becoming less effective over time and his behaviour is becoming even more extreme as that happens.

As for g-lining the fucker... Man I'd be so tempted, even if you did get a ban yourself because of it you'd be a hero in many a person's eyes :D
If I was in your shoe. I would not look back. It may be like a first car that you had, but would not go back. I also think that many new website fail just as many new companies most likely fail. The person that brought your web site did not learn about management the web site.
I know it hurts to see something you built be torn down, but Amiga.org was bound to end one day one way or another. Just remember the money you got for it and compare it to the big zero the current owners will get for it.
It pains me to say it, but the place has become a cesspool. Straight up, a cesspool. I walked away and wouldn't blame you, Karlos or anyone else for walking away. I am starting to doubt the absent owner theory and am starting to believe the malicious owner theory. Without knowing exactly who the site was transfered to, I would have to guess it was someone with enough spare money to buy the site and some twisted desire run it into the ground.
I have to admit, I haven't been to A.org in a while. I just took a quick peek. Is Natami for real? Wonder how much that will cost. Anything else happening in the Amiga market?
I have to admit, I haven't been to A.org in a while. I just took a quick peek. Is Natami for real? Wonder how much that will cost. Anything else happening in the Amiga market?

Natami seems to be real, but release date is a whole other question. I think $1,000 (USD) is the number floating around but AFAIK no solid price has been set. Not much else going on. MorphOS is moving forward at a snail pace on 2nd hand PPC Macs and the $3,000 (USD) router level perfomance X1000 occassionally announces an upcoming announcement.

That's about it.
I have to admit, I haven't been to A.org in a while. I just took a quick peek. Is Natami for real? Wonder how much that will cost. Anything else happening in the Amiga market?

It might one day be real if and when the developer can shake off the loonspuds it's attracted to it's forums.

As for anything else: FPGA Arcade has been released (which amongst other things, can emulate a full AGA Amiga with ~ 68040 performance).

You have a new company pimping Commodore brand keyboard PCs, MorphOS can now run on old Mac gear and OS4 has a new piece of kit the Sam460 and are awaiting the arrival of a dualcore G5 class system that'll cost around £2000.

But beyond that, not much.
Hmmm... I just logged in and noticed it's the first time I've done so in over six months. Although my Amiga-lust waned some time ago, I have to confess to being surprised by how little interest I have in the Org these days.

It was, for many years, the first site I visited each day.

In a strange coincindence, I just spent a weekend camping at a festival with the guy who influenced me to get my first Amiga and start writing tunes. Hadn't seen him for several years either and we ended up kipped in the same tent.

Anyhoo, I'm away for a nosey on the Org.... just for old time's sake. :-D

Am glad :)

When I saw it, it immediately reminded me of something you sent to me in PM shortly after my divorce:

A correction on something I'd said, infact:

God grant me the strength to change the things I can
The wisdom to accept the things I can't
And the firepower to blow away the shit I won't :)

What can I say, 4, 5 years later what you said stuck with me :D

Just had a wee look. The poster you mention only joined a year ago and has over five thousand posts. He's also clearly Scottish so there's a slight chance I've met him.
And, given the paucity of active Amiga users these days, it does seem strange for someone to suddenly discover the Amiga in June 2010. I am admittedly jumping to the conclusion that he'd otherwise have been aware of the Org far ealier. (Perhaps he's already been banned?)

Anyway, apologies for indulging in gossipy tittle-tattle about someone I've never spoken to. :D
I feel your pain, Wayne.
(hey, that rhymes)

I have no Ultimate Solution, but encouraging the members to exercise their ignore feature would help because franko loves the attention and when he doesn't get it he'll be off looking for it elsewhere.

Just had a wee look. The poster you mention only joined a year ago and has over five thousand posts. He's also clearly Scottish so there's a slight chance I've met him.
And, given the paucity of active Amiga users these days, it does seem strange for someone to suddenly discover the Amiga in June 2010. I am admittedly jumping to the conclusion that he'd otherwise have been aware of the Org far ealier. (Perhaps he's already been banned?)

Anyway, apologies for indulging in gossipy tittle-tattle about someone I've never spoken to. :D
I assumed franko was in the loony bin for a while and just got out last year, saw AO, joined up and is taking meds which don't always work.

I assumed franko was in the loony bin for a while and just got out last year, saw AO, joined up and is taking meds which don't always work.


Haha...Fair enough.
I haven't read much of his posts so don't feel qualified to pass comment. (Not that that usually stops me. ;))
To be fair, the couple of posts I did see appeared normal enough.
Sometimes franko can be amusing......after all I'm somewhat familiar with that cranky Scottish wit. :D
however, I've also seem him post stupid and insane and even insulting comments to individuals.
One of the hardest things is to commit yourself to a goal and a work your ass off only to end up turning it over to another and watching it go down the tubes. I've been part of startups and thought good things were going on. Only to sell my part a few years later and watched others drive it into the tanks. I feel for you Wayne. Keep Your Chin Up!
Oh noes...a.org talk on whyzzat...I noticed how you said all the adults from the site wound up here, I guess you forgot about me! :lol:

Getting back on topic...Quite frankly, I've pretty much had a gut full with that place as of late and as much as I'd like to point fingers solely at Fwanko, there are several other numpties causing just as much trouble. It's sad really, I used to love that place, TBH, it was the only forum I bothered to actively contribute to. Either way, I've always admired your direct approach to things Wayne, so whatever you do, you'll have my support.
Nice bow out.

Shame Franko couldn't leave it without putting in the boot one last time, but I think that's about as much as you could expect.