White House Plots Against Limbaugh


Apr 1, 2005
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Like him or dislike him, the White House has been identified as trying to make Rush Limbaugh the "political boogyman" of the Republicans.

Now this is definitely going to be interesting to watch. Either Rahm Emanual has just positioned the Obama administration for another embaressment or they might be on to something.

I personally see this blowing up in the White House's political face. I'm going to sit back and enjoy the show. :pint:

This administration is an embarrassment. They are so worried about protecting Obama's image as Teh Leader that they bother spend time insulting commentators, reports and financial gurus by name. Whether you like Limbaugh, Cramer, Santelli etc, there is a simple thing we have called freedom of speech. Oh wait, Obama is openly against freedom of speech.

Red, this really isn't a ploy to harm Rush. The article itself states that it will help him as he thrives on controversy. This is a ploy to cause confusion and possibly in-fighting amongst the Republican party. And at that it seems to be working.

The only thing I question here is the timing. This may have been more useful in a time where Obama wasn't looking so good. Making the Republicans look confused and unfocused at a time when Obama is still very popular seems like a wasted opportunity. But then, Obama is trying to get a lot done in these first few days, they may be just clearing a big path for bigger things to come. Now doesn't that make you Republicans a little nervous? :)
Glaucus said:
But then, Obama is trying to get a lot done in these first few days, they may be just clearing a big path for bigger things to come. Now doesn't that make you Republicans a little nervous? :)

It is even making moderate democrats nervous. Heck, even Putin has warned Obama that he is going too far towards socialism!

http://www.rightwingnews.com/mt331/2009 ... nk_any.php

Any proper thinking person should be more than a little nervous.
redrumloa said:
Whether you like Limbaugh, Cramer, Santelli etc, there is a simple thing we have called freedom of speech. Oh wait, Obama is openly against freedom of speech.


Much less so than the preceding administration.

Since the right owns the airwaves it may be a conscious strategy to get some airtime, by playing on properties of the right wing like Limbaugh and Santelli. Since Rush is (deservedly) wildly unpopular (he has a core following of a 14 million or so who believe that saying "ditto" qualifies as informed debate) it might be worth shining a spotlight on him. Rush routinely says stupid and inflammatory things but basically had free reign under Bush (as did other media figures) to promote acts of violence against those who disagreed with him. Though nothing much came out of it while the GOP was on top, it might be seen as productive to provoke the troglodytes into doing something overt - if they can be incited to extremism (however loosely Bush left that defined) then they can use the anti-extremism powers from the previous administration to start cleaning up these clowns. It would be the old jujitsu, use the enemies assets against them thing.

From Rush's email
Top Democrats believe they have struck political gold by depicting Rush Limbaugh as the new face of the Republican Party, a full-scale effort first hatched by some of the most familiar names in politics and now being guided in part from inside the White House.

The strategy took shape after Democratic strategists Stanley Greenberg and James Carville included Limbaugh’s name in an October poll and learned their longtime tormentor was deeply unpopular with many Americans, especially younger voters. Then the conservative talk-radio host emerged as an unapologetic critic of Barack Obama shortly before his inauguration, when even many Republicans were showering him with praise.

Soon it clicked: Democrats realized they could roll out a new GOP bogeyman for the post-Bush era by turning to an old one in Limbaugh, a polarizing figure since he rose to prominence in the 1990s.

Limbaugh is embracing the line of attack, suggesting a certain symbiosis between him and his political adversaries.

"The administration is enabling me,” he wrote in an e-mail to POLITICO. “They are expanding my profile, expanding my audience and expanding my influence. An ever larger number of people are now being exposed to the antidote to Obamaism: conservatism, as articulated by me. An ever larger number of people are now exposed to substantive warnings, analysis and criticism of Obama's policies and intentions, a ‘story’ I own because the [mainstream media] is largely the Obama Press Office.”

he is clearly the kind of self involved deluded monomaniacal dumbass who would happily fall into that kind of trap. If he lets it go to his head or goes too far it's either extraordinary rendition for him (not likely) or a simple shutdown for him for inciting extremism (which could result in even more extremism from his rather unsophisticated fan base - which would conveniently play into more public opposition to dittoheads) or something like the fairness doctrine because these right-wingnuts are clearly out of step with the nation.
By the way, don't you like the way right wing think tanks are always called "independent think tanks" but left wing think tanks are called "liberal think tanks" in the media.
"Demonise" Rush Limbaugh?


I think you'll find this repugnant slimeball does a perfectly adequate job of demonising himself.
ltstanfo said:
Well, that didn't take long:

Rush invites Obama to debate.

Wow. That would be awesome. His producers stopped allowing him to do debates years ago because he has no substance. Of course, it's an empty threat, or rather a bluff. He could only debate Obama in a controlled environment but if Obama DID debate him, Obama would be legitimizing him even if he squashed him - and if he squashed him he would look like a bully. Then Rush could whine to his loyal following and they would lap it up of course, but he could conceivably get sympathy from fence sitters.

It's actually a pretty good gambit by Rush's people. He says a lot of really dumb stuff and a lot of things that are just plain old made up, but because he has no qualms about saying the same wrong stuff right after being corrected (this is a trait of psychopathy, by the way) he can provoke an opponent to rage which is an immediate losing position. Setting the record straight is also a bit of a loser because corrections sound "preachy" and correcting simplistic misconceptions with a more in depth analysis puts people to sleep and is opens one up the the "elitist" attack which goes down well with the bible thumpers who think that calling someone smart is an insult.
Well, no surprise there as Rush wants Obama to fail. Wasting Obama's time with a pointless debate against an idiot is a good way to help that cause. Don't think Obama is gonna fall for it though.
There is an orchestrated attack, daily drumbeat on me from the White House,” Limbaugh said.

Time for Rush to tighten his tinfoil.

It's a vast, left-wing conspiracy!!
Glaucus said:
Well, no surprise there as Rush wants Obama to fail. Wasting Obama's time with a pointless debate against an idiot is a good way to help that cause. Don't think Obama is gonna fall for it though.
of course not. Obama has actual work to do and doesn't have time to waste with some drug-taking loser.

this is typical GOP paranoia. They love to make out that Certain people are Out To Get Them. And then they ask poor people to send them money to help them in this fight to the death. :roll:

ltstanfo said:
Well, that didn't take long:

Rush invites Obama to debate.

I cannot wait to see the next round! :pint:

The President of the United States called Limbaugh out by name. His administration is referring to him almost every day now.

One would think that the most ‘intelligent’ articulate man on Earth, the ex-President of the Harvard Law Review, could destroy in debate an ‘entertainer’, who never even graduated from college, …. uh, uhh, uhhh, ... mhhh, ahhh, mhhhh, ...

Imagine the dazzling, brilliant, Super intellectual Obama explaining how his policies of confiscatory taxes, gigantic increases in energy costs, forced unionization through unsupervised secret ballots, and a national debt bigger than the bond market of the entire Western world will have this economy soaring again like a rocket, turning Limbaugh into a confused jumble of “ums” , “ahs” and "dittoes".

Dear Leader has the time to take in an NBA game so he isn't that busy.

I think Obama will use the same strategy he used in the McCain townhall debates, ...
... run away, ... run away fast .
A bit off topic, but you guys are sometimes SOOO rediculous with your "wounded pride". "sore loser" republicanism it's scary, funny, and sad all at the same time. I just have to wonder how long it'll last and whether you'll still be whining when/if the economy recovers, whenever that may be.

As Lee was oh-so-fond of telling me early on when I ripped into monkey boy (Dumbya), "whether you like him or not, whether you voted for him or not, he *is* your president". Same sword cuts both way gents. You're reminding me of a customer I once had where -- when they didn't immediately get the numbers they wanted -- immediately started panicking, freaking out, and inventing all these nonsensical reasons / makework jobs to try and blame anyone they could for their troubles.

Cut the guy some freaking slack. I doubt Jesus himself could come into office and fix everything inside of the first 2 months in office, not that I believe Obama is equal to Jesus in any way, shape, or form.

cecilia said:
Obama has actual work to do and doesn't have time to waste with some drug-taking loser.

Drug taking loser? Obama doesn't have time to waste on himself :?:

A bit off topic, but you guys are SOOO ridiculous with your "blind loyalty" to your "teh leader" socialism it's scary, funny and sad at the same time. I just have to wonder how long it'll last and whether you'll still be blind if/when the country descends into total chaos, dispair and civil war.

But it will still be Bush's fault, of course.

Touche, and all that, but you misunderstand.

Outside of thinking that Obama was a much better candidate than four/eight more years of Bush III (McCain), I have no horse in this race at all.

As I've said to Lee during the campaigns, I have no idea how good, bad, or indifferent Obama will be as President. I simply know that four more years of what screwed up this country to begin with was a bad idea. Also, as Lee can verify, it was a long road for me to go from anti-democrat to accepting that Obama was a better candidate for the job than McSame.

The difference is, I understand that this is not a situation that will be resolved in 2 months, and I'm willing to give the guy a chance to fix it -- considering, as most economists agree, "NOBODY knows how to fix the economy, but the way we were headed was definitely NOT the answer".

I also base my willingness to try something new on the fact that traditionally, Democrat programs have always been able to bail out the country in times of economic peril -- whether or not the Republicans are willing to admit it.

Economics 101. The US economy runs in 7 year cycles, which usually DON'T match up with presidential cycles. We spent the last 8 years destroying it -- 12 if you want to blame Clinton, as some now do -- so frankly, *if* the economy can recover, it's going to take a few frickin years to do so.

redrumloa said:
A bit off topic, but you guys are SOOO ridiculous with your "blind loyalty" to your "teh leader" socialism it's scary, funny and sad at the same time. I just have to wonder how long it'll last and whether you'll still be blind if/when the country descends into total chaos, dispair and civil war.
It's not "blind loyalty", we're giving the guy some time to do something. No one is saying the man can pull rabbits out of his ass, but many believe he's the best man for the job right now and any man is gonna need some time. You think you could do more in less time?

And is socialism scary? Maybe it is, but if you're facing socialism now it is purely because the capitalists created such a royal cluster f#ck of everything they are the last ones people are willing to turn to right now. Is socialism what Obama is doing? Is it good or bad? That's for another debate, but if that's the way things are going you can blame the capitalists for it.