When twitter is down...

Well, it's all back now - and, as disconcerting as it was to see the whole site down as a user, I can't help but feel grateful I'm not an admin!
Well, it's all back now - and, as disconcerting as it was to see the whole site down as a user, I can't help but feel grateful I'm not an admin!
Poor buggers. I imagine the stress and panic to be quite something for them in such situations.
Luckily for me, the only social media I fell for was Fakebook. I've had zero interest in the rest. Even still, I have a hard time justifying staying on Fakebook. I am a moderator of a number of groups, a couple I really like. I could still walk except for one group. I am one of 3 admins on the biggest 64/128 group, and really have been the defacto founder at times. For a long time it was me and the founder, then he literally quit for a while and it was just me. The group is huge and usually quite pleasant. We have a good community. I feel a responsibility to it at this point. I do hate that I have to give up all privacy to be there though.
Yeah. It runs better than I thought it would on a laptop - but serving twitter from localhost was a bit of a lonely experience to be honest.
A true tabula rasa, pregnant of promises and plain possibilities. You are the dictator in a sea of unspoken words.

(sorry, I got carried away there for a moment)