Trump - electable!

people "love" him?

yeah, SOME people love that idiot

People keep saying Trump's an idiot. I have a bad feeling the joke is on them. Looking at his actual actions up until this point... I don't think he's an idiot. It sure looks like he knows exactly what he's doing. What he's performed is a very well orchestrated attack. As I see it right now, (unless something extreme happens, such as Fluffy pointed out) the entire election will be decided by what Trump does.

He's swung enough of the Republican base that if he doesn't get the nomination... It'll be up to him if he wants to tear the party in half. So, while the Republican Party doesn't really want him... They may not have the stomach to get rid of him. It would definitely throw the election straight to the Democrats. The Republicans likely feel he'd still be better for them than throwing this election away.

So, then, if the Republicans let Trump continue this fiasco, he could well get the nomination... Then that could be bad news for everyone. We really have no idea what he actually wants to accomplish. It's a pretty fair bet that nothing he's said so far has been anything other than a response to garner attention and/or support. And, worse, the Democrats don't have anyone to stand up to his force of character and his support from the disenfranchised.

So, really, the choices are that either he'll
A) be dead (unlikely)
B) chose the next President
C) be the next President

Those are the only outcomes I see. And that doesn't look like a dominant position that an idiot could blunder into.
that doesn't look like a dominant position that an idiot could blunder into.

HL Mencken seemed to think it not only possible but practically inevitable. :p
I don't deserve a racist, sexist, hateful piece of filth "representing" me. It's a real tragedy that others think he is acceptable.
I luv ya Cecilia, but this is your subject.

You know... The one subject that everyone has where everyone else just has to tune out. Like trying to discuss abortion with @redrumloa, or gun control with @ltstanfo, or .. well, you get the picture...

I can appreciate the fact that you've made up your mind, and I'm thankful that you're not one of the mindless idiots out there who will vote for HRM Benghazi just because she's a woman...

I'm not a Trump fan AT ALL, but I do see why he appeals to the lower and lower-middle classes (the majority of the country). He's pandering and actually saying all the things that said group wishes that a politician would actually stand up and say. Americans by-in-large are extremely frustrated with both our Government, and the feeling that the corruption is so wide spread that it's impossible to fix at this point.

For the absolute record, I don't consider myself either Democrat, or Republican. That's like trying to put yourself into a straight D&D class structure. No one is "lawful good", just like no one is purely "chaotic evil"...

I believe that my views on any given subject could sway either way, (pro choice, anti-gun control for example) but I've taken many of the political meter tests and tend to side mostly with Libertarians. Trouble is, America is a broken two-party system, so voting Libertarian (who is their candidate anyway?) would be -- in effect -- a vote for Hillary, which I simply cannot, and will not EVER do.

As for your boy Bernie, I just can't see voting for someone so far out there as to want to not only continue, but expand King Obama's socialist ideals...

Since I will NEVER vote for Hillary, even under threat of death, and I will not waste my vote (nor will I simply forget to vote), that leaves me voting AGAINST Hillary for whomever turns out to be her main opponent. I can only hope that Trump is not as big an idiot as he comes across, or that someone else (currently like Cruz who's 2nd in the polls) will get the nomination.

I believe ilwrath is right though.. Trump has the Republican party over a barrel where it's -- quite literally -- "give me the nomination, or I will destroy the Republican party altogether"...

All I can hope is -- in the end -- either Hillary Clinton is indicted for the multiple felony counts she's committed (eliminating her from the running) -- 0% chance of that happening -- or that someone else (even if that's Trump) beats her in the general election... Unfortunately unless something does happen to take her out of the race, at this point it looks like we have 4 to 8 years of HRM President Benghazi to suffer through.

Bernie simply can't beat her without something taking her out of the race altogether, and if it comes down to a Trump vs Bernie race, Trump wins because he's working the media and the lower-middle classes (again, the majority vote)...

Well damn... Didn't really mean to kill the thread... :)
Trump is a narcissistic psychopath. What is truly horrifying is that people don't seem to notice this!

How can you seriously want that kind of selfish, hateful idiot with his finger on THE BUTTON???

I personally do not wish to see the world end in an Atomic explosion.

Being a politician is supposed to mean one has some amount of empathy for one's constituents.
"When a man assumes a public trust, he should consider himself as public property."
-- Thomas Jefferson

and don't bother accusing me of being too idealistic. Because the entire crowd of Founding Fathers can be called that and THEY succeeded in creating a whole damn country.

I don't vote for anyone based on ridiculous qualities like XX chromosomes or how they dress. Hilary has baggage - some of which is not her fault and some is. As there is a BETTER candidate - namely Bernie - that's what I'm going with.

ANd, frankly, you just sound like a guy that doesn't understand what Bernie is about. Because the ONLY candidate that will help YOU live a better life is Bernie. He's not crazy. He just wants the middle class to be healthy and successful like it was back in the 1950's. I remember what it was like when the middle class was thriving. I'm not saying it was all a bed of roses. Every adult in my family was working and often my mother worked two or more jobs (because teachers pay has always sucked). But I grew up in a nice house, went to catholic school, never went hungry and had lots of books to read.

I wasn't surrounded by tons of THINGS, but I had what I needed.

That is all that Bernie wants for every middle class family. The fact is that back then corporations WERE paying taxes. And back then you didn't see big money buying politicians the way you see today. From the moment it began Bernie has wanted to get rid of "Citizens United". You can't tell me that garbage is ok by you?

Bernie is NOT trying to mess things up for anyone - unless you are one of those 1% welfare queens who is living off the backs of the middle class and isn't paying their fair share.

The USA doesn't belong to those rich assholes. Those scum are users. And I'm sick of being used. If they don't want to pay their taxes they can pack up and leave They do not deserve to live in MY country for free. We will be better off without those vultures.
This country was built by the middle class. By people like my family who came to this country and worked REALLY hard to make a difference.

Trump is rich - he was born with a silver spoon in his big fat mouth. he has achieved nothing. He thinks his shite doesn't stink just because he was born rich. Sure, he impresses boobs who like to hear a boorish moron yell, but he says nothing of substance.

Bernie ALWAYS says things that make sense, that speak to the very heart of the problems in this country. And he's not in it for himself. Bernie is NOT rich. It's not about ego for him. That's one reason he refuses to get sucked into badmouthing the other candidates. He talks about the ISSUES and doesn't lower himself to insults. That, right there is more Presidential than anything you see from the gop side.

Voters would do well to seriously investigate everything Bernie talks about. I've spent years paying attention so, for me it's a no-brainer. He's the man.
Trump is a narcissistic psychopath. What is truly horrifying is that people don't seem to notice this!

How can you seriously want that kind of selfish, hateful idiot with his finger on THE BUTTON???

I personally do not wish to see the world end in an Atomic explosion.

Being a politician is supposed to mean one has some amount of empathy for one's constituents.
"When a man assumes a public trust, he should consider himself as public property."
-- Thomas Jefferson

and don't bother accusing me of being too idealistic. Because the entire crowd of Founding Fathers can be called that and THEY succeeded in creating a whole damn country.

I don't vote for anyone based on ridiculous qualities like XX chromosomes or how they dress. Hilary has baggage - some of which is not her fault and some is. As there is a BETTER candidate - namely Bernie - that's what I'm going with.

ANd, frankly, you just sound like a guy that doesn't understand what Bernie is about. Because the ONLY candidate that will help YOU live a better life is Bernie. He's not crazy. He just wants the middle class to be healthy and successful like it was back in the 1950's. I remember what it was like when the middle class was thriving. I'm not saying it was all a bed of roses. Every adult in my family was working and often my mother worked two or more jobs (because teachers pay has always sucked). But I grew up in a nice house, went to catholic school, never went hungry and had lots of books to read.

I wasn't surrounded by tons of THINGS, but I had what I needed.

That is all that Bernie wants for every middle class family. The fact is that back then corporations WERE paying taxes. And back then you didn't see big money buying politicians the way you see today. From the moment it began Bernie has wanted to get rid of "Citizens United". You can't tell me that garbage is ok by you?

Bernie is NOT trying to mess things up for anyone - unless you are one of those 1% welfare queens who is living off the backs of the middle class and isn't paying their fair share.

The USA doesn't belong to those rich assholes. Those scum are users. And I'm sick of being used. If they don't want to pay their taxes they can pack up and leave They do not deserve to live in MY country for free. We will be better off without those vultures.
This country was built by the middle class. By people like my family who came to this country and worked REALLY hard to make a difference.

Trump is rich - he was born with a silver spoon in his big fat mouth. he has achieved nothing. He thinks his shite doesn't stink just because he was born rich. Sure, he impresses boobs who like to hear a boorish moron yell, but he says nothing of substance.

Bernie ALWAYS says things that make sense, that speak to the very heart of the problems in this country. And he's not in it for himself. Bernie is NOT rich. It's not about ego for him. That's one reason he refuses to get sucked into badmouthing the other candidates. He talks about the ISSUES and doesn't lower himself to insults. That, right there is more Presidential than anything you see from the gop side.

Voters would do well to seriously investigate everything Bernie talks about. I've spent years paying attention so, for me it's a no-brainer. He's the man.


I give Bernie credit for being honest if nothing else. His self declared "democratic socialist" gives me pause but unlike Hillary, at least you know where he stands. He's not my candidate but I can respect him more than his opponent.

And now he has Palin endorsing him.

If the good folks behind Spinal Tap did a spoof on US politics, it wouldn't be as ludicrous as current reality.

I've joked in the past about elections not being about voting in the best person for the job, but voting in the person who you think will do the least amount of damage.

Right now that joke isn't as funny as it used to be.

And not just the US. The UK political scene isn't exactly enthralling me either.
Trump is a narcissistic psychopath. What is truly horrifying is that people don't seem to notice this!

How can you seriously want that kind of selfish, hateful idiot with his finger on THE BUTTON???

Again C, you have my respect, and my thanks for not voting for HRM Benghazi, but please take a moment to actually read what I wrote, not what you believe I said. I'm not a fan of Trump, even as a reality TV guy. The idea of him becoming POTUS scares me, but still less so than the idea of a Hillary Clinton presidency does...

Bernie scares me because -- as the washingtonexaminer post shows, he might have ideas that I think are needed (focus on education, free tuition, etc) but to accomplish what he wants to do, he would have to bleed everyone dry and into the soup kitchens... The idea should be to bring everyone up, not to bring everyone down to the lowest level then claim victory because everyone's somehow "equal"...

My idea -- which would never fly -- would be to introduce legislation or tariffs on big corporations and big pharma which would "strongly encourage" them to reinvest 95% of their profits into either expanding their business, or into creating new companies (which encourages job growth). I would also put tariffs on corporations (or their products) that ship jobs overseas and encourage large employers to bring back things like apprenticeship and educational programs...

I know that my idea might sound a little "Trumpish", but I would rather see that than see CEOs pocketing billions per year that could be better spent expanding their company (which only helps the American economy)...

Hope it helps, but again while I understand your fervor for Bernie, please actually take a moment to understand what I'm saying, not respond to what you think you're hearing me say.. :)

Much Love,

My idea -- which would never fly -- would be to introduce legislation or tariffs on big corporations and big pharma which would "strongly encourage" them to reinvest 95% of their profits into either expanding their business, or into creating new companies

I think wealthy people and companies "investing" is a big part of the problem. Companies can't grow their business as fast as they can grow stocks and other instruments, and the more money flows into speculation the bigger the returns ... until enough people realize that the returns are only on paper because nobody is actually making the wealth that goes along with those numbers. We have to do something structural to make sure that you can't grow your money faster by finance than you can by working - and to that end some Glass-Steagall and some financial transaction tax would help.
Another thing that needs to be done is bring copyright terms and patent terms back down to something reasonable (especially in software) so that companies cannot rest on their laurels but have to keep innovating, and which makes it easier for start-ups to succeed. Rich people building walls around their wealth is the problem because if they don't spend it back out into the economy (or have it taxed back into the economy) then all those who would like to work will have to do it for nothing - and lending the money out is NOT the solution (unless we make bankruptcy easier again) because all that is lent out must be repaid plus interest which just makes the problem worse over time until the interest is unpayable and the system collapses.
There is no political will to challenge the status quo because the status quo IS the political will. Maybe collapse is the best we can hope for - but it would be better if it didn't have to happen. Rather than waiting for other's to invest We The People (aka the government) should do some investing so the benefits accrue to We The People. Healthcare is a great place to start.