Sochi 2014


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Apr 12, 2005
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Well, it seems the Russians managed to pull of a lovely opening ceremonies, but considering the price tag, I'd expect nothing less than mind blowing awesome. And it almost was. I was rather disappointed that they didn't feature a live performance from Pussy Riot, perhaps accompanied with a lovely choreographed set by Femen. That would have been a lovely display of modern Russian culture although I guess not too surprising that they didn't as they skipped large chunks of their history anyway. Oh well. However, for me the icing on the cake would have been for Putin to light the Olympic flame in his judo suit. That would have been worth the cost of admission right there. On the bright side, now they can take all that unused fuel from the torch relays and send it down to Syria so that Assad can set some more of his civilians on fire.

At any rate, GO TEAM CANADA!

I liked the "Putin the Bear" mascot. Also, nice message from the Prez of the IOC telling off the politicians for playing politics over the Olympics.

Sochi Opening Spectacular Marred By Rings Glitch
I liked the "Putin the Bear" mascot. Also, nice message from the Prez of the IOC telling off the politicians for playing politics over the Olympics.
I didn't hear his opening ceremonies speech, but I think you may be referring to a speech he gave a few days before the opening ceremonies.

At any rate, I think he comes across as someone defending the decision of handing Putin another public relations victory. The idea of Olympics being non-political is a great idea, but I'd really like to know where this guy has been his entire life because the Olympics have always been political - even in the ancient years. Who spends that kind of cash just for the sake of friendly competition? Everyone knows hosting the Olympics is a political move that defies any economic sense. It certainly makes political sense and the IOC President knows this so why is he telling us to ignore the politics? And the politics run deep as nations spend millions on training their athletes for the purpose of getting more medals and making themselves feel good about themselves. And what we see with Sochi is small potatoes, when Seoul hosted the summer Olympics in 1988 North Korea blew up a plane full of people in protest. Good or bad that's how it is, so how can we separate the politics from this? That's beyond me.

At the ceremonies his speech was noted for his anti-discrimination statements which many believe was a direct poke at the anti-gay laws Putin championed. It also seems those running the Olympics don't agree with the laws as they sprinkled some gay artists in the ceremony as well. I'm most impressed with the Western response, not only glad that no senior US officials went to Sochi but they also made sure that some of their top Olympic team members were openly gay. Also, I loved Germany's uniform, it was a nice big Fuck You Putin for all to see. And of course, Google's rainbow logo was a nice touch too. It's all nice and clear for everyone to see that Putin took one giant step backwards in the evolution of society.

Btw, if I could ask Russians one question it would be this: Was $50+ billion worth the cost of hearing the Star Spangled Banner more often than the Russian national anthem?
Oh, that's just what regular folks saw. Glorious Russians saw this instead:

Russian TV shows doctored video of Olympic rings

Olympic ring glitch? What Olympic ring glitch?

Which, shockingly, means that the Russians saw the ring thing the way the designers and artists intended it to be seen and everyone else got ripped off. Oh, but you see that the Russians were lied to about this very important bit of news. You know, when they film sitcoms in front of a live audience, they cut out the flubs and re-shoot them. Did you know that the outside scenes are actually shot at a different time from the inside scenes?
Did you know that game shows hire comedy writers to feed lines to contestants? Did you know that reality TV isn't real? Which footage to run was an artistic decision made ahead of time and they had rehearsal tape ready to go, obviously. Do you imagine that Russian TV is the first broadcaster to use this CYA technique?

You know that a lot of live shows (especially if there is a chance of a "wardrobe malfunction" are run on a five second delay so that we won't see anything we shouldn't.

You think what we see on the news is real? You think our footage isn't "specially selected"?
You know that you're the ultimate Putin apologist?

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You know that you're the ultimate Putin apologist?

You are reduced to name calling and you think that what you said is actually name calling which reveals more about how shallow your thinking on this issue is than about what I am or what I think.

It's quite simple really. The US wants to pry Ukraine away from Russia, roll it into Europe and get it to sign on with NATO thus extending NATO to the Russian border. Russia prevented the US from invading Syria (for the moment) and is messing with our takeover of Ukraine as well, by the underhanded means of offering Ukraine vastly better terms on loans and energy than Europe is willing to offer.

The powers that be in the US are in a snit and are pumping out as much anti-Russian propaganda as they can including making fun of the Olympic construction and lambasting the Olympic Rings "debacle" and the mascots.

29 or more US states currently have laws on the books that are basically the same as the new Russian law against talking to minors about homosexuality. A great number of our friends (governments who are happy to hand over to us their people's wealth) have laws putting homosexuals in jail for 3 years to life and even death by stoning, but we talk about Russia being anti-gay all the time. Realistic? Balanced? No, but useful for stirring emotions.

We hear about Pussy Riot but lets see them on a tour of US churches with their show and lets see how the crowds love them in the South.

We hear about the draconian laws against protesters in the Ukraine but we have the same laws. You cannot wear a mask to a protest in Canada (there's a technical out in that it's illegal as part of a "violent" protest I believe but we have seen the police infiltrate protests and attempt to provoke violence). The use of amplification and the blocking of traffic are all things you have to get a permit from the government for - else, it's illegal. Now all of a sudden the Ukrainian protesters ALSO can't do those things that we can't do. And apparently it's illegal to throw molotovs at cops and burn public buildings. Well, at least we still have that freedom in Canada, right?

You have fallen in line. I guess they call that growing up. Before too long you will be telling us that we can no longer afford the pension system and that we should all get RRSPs and retire at 70. I know it's not your fault, it's just hard to stop and see. When everyone believed in God, or at least believed that everyone they knew believed, people just failed to see that there was no god. It still happens. When you are immersed in a culture that promotes uncritical common knowledge and you don't try to apply your mind and see if the evidence holds up - then, well.... it's human nature - which is something the PR companies know only too well.

You do know what PR means, though, don't you? You know who invented the term and why, right? It's funny but I've read some PR text books and one of the things they don't often tell you is what it is. Is that PR believing their own PR?

Hope that fridge has more in it than Molson Canadian.

BTW, my phone can read my passport. RFID - woohoo! Also my phone can scan my credit card too.
You are reduced to name calling and you think that what you said is actually name calling which reveals more about how shallow your thinking on this issue is than about what I am or what I think.
But you are his apologist. You're not the one who comes up with excuses for bad US behavior. You don't ignore America's or Israel's belligerent behavior. You call them on it at every opportunity (and I typically agree with it). However, when anyone else does the exact same thing you stay silent. Russia invades Chechnya? Russia invades Georgia? Syria drops cluster munitions on Syrians? Not a peep from you. However you lambasted the US for the exact same things. This isn't fair and objective criticism, this is highly biased stuff here. For me fair is judging actions and not judging the actor. To be clear, I'm accusing you of doing the latter.

And your arguments are dogmatic to say the least. Honestly, arguing with you is about as great at wasting time as it is arguing with religious wackos. You regurgitate the same old facts in such a way that indicates to me that you seem to believe you're enlightening us on things, as if we've been in the dark all this time. The reality is that for the most part we all know the major facts but just interpret them differently. The fact is much of your response here was a waste, I already knew. But what I find interesting aren't the bits that you include but the bits you omit, either intentionally or not.

Yes the US wants Ukraine, as does the EU and as does Russia. It's really up to Ukraine and it's really Russia that is meddling the most in the Ukraine. Russian and Ukrainian relations have really never been that good and the Ukraine would likely be better off by distancing itself from Russia and building closer ties to Europe. Most Ukrainians would be wise to say: Fuck Russia!

The powers that be in the US are in a snit and are pumping out as much anti-Russian propaganda as they can including making fun of the Olympic construction and lambasting the Olympic Rings "debacle" and the mascots.
Now you're just going into wacko land. That's your big problem, you don't know when to stop. You typically start off with something that kinda makes sense, then you go off the deep end. The Olympic Rings "debacle" is a debacle in your mind and that's about it. Did that issue make the news? Yes it it did, as did the "debacle" in Vancouver. And not just the flame, but the real debacle where a guy died. We got lambasted for that and we deserved it, but was that a Russian plot against us? Hmmm... I'm sure there are some die hard Russia haters that might conclude that, much like you conclude the opposite, but I see no real plot here or there. At any rate, the Olympic Rings aren't really much useful in a propaganda war against Russia. Is the Ukraine gonna join NATO because the rings trick didn't work? Are we gonna bomb Russia because of that? The rings fail was funny and will live on to be an internet meme for the same reason all other memes exist: it was funny. And that's how you should have taken it. Except you didn't and that's because you had to rush to Putin's defense. That bullshit about the Russians seeing the show the way it was intended to see, wow. What a load of bull. If Harper had the CBC doctor the video feed to show perfectly lit cauldrons in Vancouver I would have lambasted him for that and I suspect you would too. But like I said before, you judge actors not actions.

MSNBC is either confused as to what teams were actually playing, or what their flags are.
But you are his apologist. You're not the one who comes up with excuses for bad US behavior.
No, and nor do I need to. The US has a vast machine for doing that already. However, I have a deep disgust for the hypocrisy. When Russia backs the government of Syria it is evil but when the US backs Islamic terrorists it calls itself good. Should Russia back Assad? Considering that the ACTUAL peaceful opposition in Syria has won concessions from Assad and there is no reasonable scenario where those concessions would be honoured by Islamic extremists and the US is not including the peaceful opposition at the table but insisting on its hand picked mercenaries being recognized as the true opposition, I think the US play on this game is far worse than Putin. Compared to the US, Putin is taking the moral high ground. I know that you have disagreed with me on this for a long time. You are firm in your opinion that funding ruthless religious terrorists and fomenting civil war to topple a secular regime is an end of sufficient good that it justifies the "temporary" evil - even though the reformers who started this didn't want and don't want civil war or theocracy. The US has behaved much worse than the Russians in Syria.

However, when anyone else does the exact same thing you stay silent. Russia invades Chechnya?
Exact same thing? Russia and Chechnya have been at war for over 200 years. It's a "bad" thing, sure, but it's not exactly the same thing. The latest war is basically a war of independence which makes it much more like the US Civil war than any current war of conquest - the conquest being much further in the past. For all intents and purposes Chechnya is part of Russia. If Hawaii tried to leave the US or Quebec tried to leave Canada ... it could get ugly.
Russia invades Georgia?
Georgia shells Ossetia, which is disputed and inhabited by people that see themselves as Russians and Russia rolls through Ossetia and kicks Georgian butt. They degraded military targets in Georgia then left after five days. I'm no sure what US campaign that would parallel. NATO was not happy with the leader of Georgia about that little episode.

and by Syria drops cluster munitions on Syrians?
The use of cluster bombs is deeply wrong in my opinion, but who is the US to criticize Syria on this. The US reserve the right to use cluster bombs and won't sign any treaties banning their use. If the US condemns someone for cluster bombing people (any people) then why isn't it necessary to point out that they are hypocrites? And our illustrious Harper is asserting the right for Canada to use cluster munitions even under the treaty if it happens to be participating in a joint campaign with a non-treaty member - that would be the US and that would be ALL our campaigns. So why is it OK just to ignore the fact that when Canada criticizes Syria for using cluster bombs it's not because Canada thinks cluster bombs are wrong.
And when we talk about Syria dropping cluster bombs on its own people IN A CIVIL WAR we don't care if certain other countries haver no objection to killing their own citizens and whatever innocent civilians are around those targets so long as it is done with a hellfire missile from an unmanned drone and not a cluster bomb. By what right can "we" make these criticisms of others when we reserve the right to do almost exactly the same thing.

If it's wrong for them then it's wrong for us but we shouldn't be trying to fix them before we fix us. See the mote in your own eye before criticizing the speck in anothers. And does it really matter, when we cluster bomb other people, that they aren't "our" people? If we were not at least as bad as Russia in every way (and we are much worse because we CAN be) then it would be fair and useful to criticize Russia. In fact, it might even be fair to criticize Russia if we were criticizing them for things we aren't actually doing ourselves.

So Russia passes a law saying you can't tell kids about gays. OK, we can say that's wrong but the US has no right to say it so long as it has a majority of states with similar laws. And does Russia's law really rise to the level that we should condemn it over and above the anti gay laws of so many of our friends. Iran puts gays to death and that is so much more heinous - but so do Mauritania, Sudan and Yemen and Saudi Arabia. Mind you, there is a lot of sympathy for the position of hanging gays in certain Christian groups. Maybe it's not the persecution so much as who's doing it that matters, eh?

Yes the US wants Ukraine, as does the EU and as does Russia. It's really up to Ukraine and it's really Russia that is meddling the most in the Ukraine.
Russia is meddling because they have relations with the politicians. The US also has relations with the politicians. But the US is paying protesters to protest and has been funding and training protest groups for years. It's the same networks here that fomented the Balkan war and the Libyan insurgency from Benghazi and others. And, as the intercepts show, the US is heavily involved in influencing and elevating "opposition" leaders.

So far so not surprising - but Russia is willing to cut Ukraine a much better deal that the EU is. The EU will give them some beads and blankets and then rape them like Greece and give them over to NATO to build a US base on. That's about all they'll get.
Because Russia is on the weak side of this deal they are offering a much better financing arrangement and significant energy benefits. Accepting the Russian deal will be better over the next few decades for the Ukrainian people than accepting the EU offer. If the EU were forced to improve its offer that would be seen as a defeat. They'd much rather win dirty. It's a power thing. Hegemony demands unconditional surrender.

and your response to my contention that petty anti-Russianism is agenda drivin:
Now you're just going into wacko land.
The Olympic Rings "debacle" is a debacle in your mind and that's about it.
Not at all in my mind. In my mind it was a minor malfunction unworthy of reporting. The fact that Russian TV cut away to show rehearsal footage was even less newsworthy, but, oh, what a lovely little cheap shot to trot out against the people we love to hate.

The rings fail was funny and will live on to be an internet meme for the same reason all other memes exist: it was funny.
Oh. It was FUNNY. I thought it was merely unfortunate. I guess I'm just weird. Like in Vancouver, instead of going "Har har" when something goes wrong I feel bad for the people that worked so hard to pull something off and then had it go wrong on the big day. I will practice having less empathy so I can watch those hilarious "skateboarding gone wrong" videos on the internet that seem so popular.
If Harper had the CBC doctor the video feed to show perfectly lit cauldrons in Vancouver I would have lambasted him for that and I suspect you would too.
The music tracks for the live bands at the London Olympics were pre-recorded. Oooh. I detect the sinister machinations of Tony Blair. Not.
Politicians want things to go well because they have a lot on the line - but the technicians and the directors and the artists all want it to go well too. Should we consider that they might have had something to do with it as well?
It's all nice and clear for everyone to see that Putin took one giant step backwards in the evolution of society.

At least the focus on the Russian law seems to be doing some good back on this continent. The pressure is on in the US not to look like Russia, I guess. Until Russia is defeated and no longer of political importance - then it'll be OK for the Christians to stomp on gays again.