Seems Sarah Palin's team is even more a loonbat then she is!

that women gives me the creeps
I can't define creepy but I know it when I see it!





And while I'm riding Palins, what about someone else who was riding a Palin? Ol' Levi Johnston has up and left meaning the summer wedding is off so the little bastard will just have to stay a little bastard.

(Personally I see no problem, but I don't think "the base" approves on principle though they are always willing to make an exception for the famous because - they're not moral relativists??)

Meanwhile Bristol has said that teaching abstinence is "not realistic" and she should know. Once again, I have no problem with that, but ... the BASE dammit... the BASE!!!

(perhaps, all your base belong to us).

link corrected, thanks cecilia (below)
Fade said:
I can't define creepy but I know it when I see it!
Look in the mirror if you want a good definition.
Glaucus said:
Fade said:
I can't define creepy but I know it when I see it!
Look in the mirror if you want a good definition.
I'd rather say he should look at his posts.
There's nothing uglier than a rotten brain.
Hey don't get mad just because the photographer left out your name! :whack: