Ridiculous Election Responses

California Freshman to Cut off Penis if Donald Trump builds wall


a Darwin Award winning protest!
Buwahahaha! So much cringe.. "Tim" Araya? Umm, "Tom" Araya is a Chilean, so by libertard SJW standards she just committed a hate crime!

SLAYER's 'American Carnage' Tour Back In Headlines After DONALD TRUMP's Inauguration Speech

During Friday night's (January 20) broadcast of "The Rachel Maddow Show" on MSNBC, host Rachel Maddow opened the program by drawing an unlikely connection between the 2010 "American Carnage" tour featuring SLAYER, MEGADETH and TESTAMENT and President Donald Trump's grim inaugural address, which painted a bleak picture of the America he now leads, declaring, as he had throughout the election campaign, that it is beset by crime, poverty and a lack of bold action. "This American carnage stops right here," Trump declared in his speech. "From this day forward, a new vision will govern our land. From this moment on, it's going to be America first."

Maddow stated at the start of her show (see video below): "I have somebody to introduce you to on this fine inaugural Friday. His name is Tim Araya [sic]. Tim Araya is the bass player and lead singer for the band SLAYER. And being the lead singer of the band SLAYER is a job — actually, being anybody in the band SLAYER — it's a job that has specific requirements that don't apply to all that many other jobs in life. One of the things you have to do if you're in the band SLAYER is you have to really wang your head around a lot — all the time, every time you play in public, any time you shoot a video, everything."
Majority of 230 protesters arrested on Inauguration Day will face 10 years in prison and $25k fine as US attorney says they will be charged with felony rioting

I laughed at the picture of the "nurse" rinsing the pepper spray out of the eyes of a protester. Capsicum is oil soluble, so using water just spreads the burn.

having another tortilla chip with 3 pepper salsa now in celebration, followed by tortilla chip with queso!

FYI: milk, sour cream, cheese break down the capsicum oil ;)

Luis Villarroel from Virginia dropped passengers off near the corner of 13th and K Streets NW then parked in front of the Washington Post building.

He got out of his Lincoln MKT limo when he heard loud noises and 'hundreds of masked men' coming his way. He said the protesters 'threw food at him' and started beating his limo. They threw a flare inside the limo, which is still visible on the seat.

Rioters putting small business owners out of business

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This one has a happy ending.

Wretched Liberal Harasses Trump Supporter on Flight, Instantly GET WHAT’S COMING TO HER…

I put my backpack in the overhead and the wife with a very stern voice says to me:
“Did you come here to cheer or to protest?”
“I came here to celebrate democracy ma’am”
… I knew this was going to be a long flight at this point. She then proceeded with: (somewhat paraphrased as my memory allows)
Her: “You put a crazed man in charge of the nuclear codes! You should be ashamed!”
Me: ‘Well we’re all entitled to our opinions here ma’am.”
Her: “And I’m entitled to get drunk and puke in your lap! I’m going to throw up right in your lap! You make me sick! Don’t talk to me! Don’t look at me! Don’t you dare even put your arm on that rest. You disgust me! You should be ashamed of yourself! You put a maniac’s finger on the button” (assuming she’s means nukes). You are a bigot. You should get off this plane!”
Me: “ma’am, by definition, bigotry is disparaging someone prior to knowing them simply by their beliefs and opinions. Thank you for being the very thing you preach against.”

Slayer have mostly avoided publicly making political statements over the years. Traditionally I'd assume they leaned right, but leading up to the election there that changed a bit.

Let me preface this by saying the current Slayer is a shadow of it's former self. Founding drummer Dave Lombardo is out once again after being fired, and founding guitarist Jeff Hanneman is dead. Only Araya and King are left as original members. AFAIK long time but not founding drummer Bostaph has been quiet.

Kerry King and Gary Holt leading up to the election made some pretty dumb anti-trump statements. Tom Araya pretty much avoided politics publicly. That sorta changed when he posted a picture to Instagram simply because he thought it was funny. But of course in today's day and age, precious snowflake SJW got all butthurt.

slayerbandofficialBelieve it or not this picture was posted by me Tom Araya on 1/20 cause I thought it was funny ... I was amazed at the comments about the picture some positive some negative more amazing was in 2 hours there was 10,000 likes ... But i never would have guessed that there where so many snowflakes commenting their distaste for the new president. Like him or not he is the president ... woke up the next morning and found someone had deleted the post ... can some one please explain why...?

Someone in the Slayer camp deleted the photo, posted by their own bassist/vocalist. It was probably Kerry King himself. So stupid, but I had to LOL at Tom Araya's snowflakes comment. He's dead on.

Oh a side note, this may be the final nail in the coffin for Araya. He's been talking about retiring for years, especially since Jeff Hanneman's health problem started and he was forced to sit out. After Jeff's death, it sounded like he was done. Tom doesn't want to do this anymore, and having to put up with an egomaniac like Kerry King? The band may be done. It is time. The last album was so-so, but even it had a video for a single that looked like a nod to BLM nonsense.
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