Out of his element

Any real investigation would take out most of his staff. But, of course, Obama is not looking for a real investigation. He is looking for a kangaroo court to take out his political enemies. :roll:
I wouldn't say that. At worst all he's done is burned his ships and placed his own administration under the gun to conform to the laws as he has opened himself up to future investigation. And personally, I think the only way to reduce corruption is for future administrations to investigate prior ones. And who knows, Barack may be doing Bush a favour as in the end the investigation might conveniently conclude that there was no foul play at all. So don't be so quick to judge.
Fade said:

Injected poison into the political system? Well, yeah, penicillin IS poison to disease causing organisms.

I suppose it is a dangerous move in that the entire political system is almost entirely composed of disease causing organisms, but getting rid of them, the blue ones along with the red ones, is not a bad thing.

You could similarly say that every time a crook gets busted and tried it injects poison into the criminal underworld. You shouldn't be able to commit crimes and then say "let's just move on" when you get caught.
Fade said:

That article is just plain fear mongering. It's trying to paint this as a scary thing and I suppose to the sort of people behind the Wall Street Journal, it is.

I'd love to know who wrote the article, but there is no attribution. Ah, so much easier to throw rocks when your hoody's on and your shirt's pulled up to your eyes.