Obama's aunt is an illegal alien who collects welfare


Active Member
Apr 2, 2005
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http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20090331/ap_ ... ama_s_aunt

Barack Obama's Kenyan aunt lost her bid for asylum more than four years ago, and a judge ordered her deported. Instead, Zeituni Onyango stayed, living for years in public housing.

Now, in a case that puts the president in a tough position both personally and politically, Onyango's request is being reconsidered under a little-used provision in U.S. immigration rules that allows denied asylum claims to be reheard if applicants can show that something has changed to make them eligible.

Such as the ascension of her nephew to the presidency of the world's most powerful country.

"If she goes back to Kenya, she is going to be much more in the limelight, and that, in and of itself, could put her at a greater risk. The chances of her going back and keeping a low profile are gone at this point," said Boston immigration attorney Ilana Greenstein.

Onyango, 56, the half-sister of Obama's late father, moved to the United States in 2000. Her first bid for asylum was rejected, and an immigration judge ordered her deported in 2004; she continues to live in public housing in Boston.

I'm probably the only one here who cares about illegals. I guess you Obama lovers are going to want Barack's aunt deported pronto, right :?:
redrumloa said:
I'm probably the only one here who cares about illegals. I guess you Obama lovers are going to want Barack's aunt deported pronto, right :?:

"undocumented Democratic voters"

Saw another 5 run past this afternoon, refreshed from a swim and el Norte bound.
Frankly Jim, I think you're so upset by having a democrat (or possibly just the fact that he's black) win the presidency over Grampa Munster that you've become sadly predictable in your rabid attacks on anything Obama.

This particular issue illustrates a much bigger problem with the immigration system's inability to enforce its own rulings than anything related to Obama himself. There are simply too many people in the states illegally for the immigration department to have any ability to track them whatsoever.

... but don't let me stand in the way of an illogical, emotional tirade against the black man who's keeping you down..


P.S. -- BTW, Dubya was a shit president who violated the civil rights and freedoms of EVERYONE in the name of fighting terrorism. We openly attacked Bush after 4 or 5 YEARS of his stupidity. You *do* realize that, right?

McCain could not break away from appearing to be another Dubya He lost because of it. Well, that and the fact that he's just creepy in the "c'mon, give your grandpa a little kiss" kinda way.

I'm just trying to understand why you've come out since day one (1/10/09) so clearly intent on attacking the president before he's even had a chance to get things right or wrong. Seriously, since it CAN'T be because of what he's done (yet), so I'm just curious. Is it because he's a democrat and you're pissed that McCain lost, or is it because he's black?

You attacking Obama is starting to sound a little like Cooksey attacking everyone non-nutball-Christian. I'm also a little surprised to hear you going on still, considering the stock market's doing relatively ok (as good as it can be under the circumstances). I mean, you're one of those guys who has (or at least had) his family's entire well-being tied up in the bubble machine, right?
redrumloa said:
I'm probably the only one here who cares about illegals. I guess you Obama lovers are going to want Barack's aunt deported pronto, right :?:

You're the only one here that wants them to stay here it seems. In reference to Obama's aunt, EVERY family has its black sheep. Think Ted Kennedy. Again though, before you get it all twisted, I have no problem with immigrants coming to America, as long as they do it through the proper channels LIKE EVERYONE ELSE IS SUPPOSED TO.

The problem with that theory is there are simply so many people in America illegally now that the only way to stop them would be establishing checkpoints along every state road and interstate and treating real Americans as second-class citizens (like the TSA does in airports) while checking for the illegals. Kind of like closing the barn door after the horses have escaped.

The reason that they come here (until recently) is that they know they could find work. They can find work because most Americans are too damned lazy, or too prideful to do the low-end jobs (like chicken processing or field work).

Getting back to his aunt, I'd say based on the initial denied claim that should have been deported, but -- and be fair Jim -- we all know two things;

1) It's not going to happen
2) It's completely irrelevant to Obama, meaning that it would be the same regardless of whether it's Obama's aunt, or Bush's aunt McCain's aunt, Ted Kennedy's aunt or even the aunt of a local mayor.

In America, rank has it's privileges and that's not sanctamount to being the president. I don't hear you asking why she wasn't deported -- as she should have been -- when Obama was just a senator.

On the positive side, I have to give the aunt full credit. She came to America and tried to do things the right way, by filling out the correct paperwork and asking for asylum. She was denied, but she didn't just sneak in like your average Mexican hiding with 12 other families in a 1 room apartment. For that fact alone, I have no problems with her appeal.

Hell, we give mandatory appeals to child molesters and murderers on death row, so why not a little old lady who -- for all instances but one -- seems to be law abiding?
Wow Wayne, where to start? No offense, but that was a steaming pile of horse manure you just posted.

Frankly Jim, I think you're so upset by having a democrat (or possibly just the fact that he's black) win the presidency over Grampa Munster that you've become sadly predictable in your rabid attacks on anything Obama.

This particular issue illustrates a much bigger problem with the immigration system's inability to enforce its own rulings than anything related to Obama himself. There are simply too many people in the states illegally for the immigration department to have any ability to track them whatsoever.

... but don't let me stand in the way of an illogical, emotional tirade against the black man who's keeping you down..

Umm... yeah... I am still trying to understand how you could possibly drag race into a thread that has nothing to do with race. Why so sensitive? This post has everything to do with immigration and nothing to do with race. Heck, this post has very little to do with Obama! Bush? You dragging Bush into a thread again? You understand Bush is gone now, right?

I'm just trying to understand why you've come out since day one (1/10/09) so clearly intent on attacking the president before he's even had a chance to get things right or wrong. Seriously, since it CAN'T be because of what he's done (yet), so I'm just curious. Is it because he's a democrat and you're pissed that McCain lost, or is it because he's black?

Pretty lame, Wayne. I didn't attack the man day one, I only did it after he started to flush the economy and out future down the sh'tter. I find it stunning how people such as yourself try to silence others with the race card. "Obama is black!! HOW DARE YOU DISAGREE WITH A BLACK MAN??". Ok Wayne. Explain to me what is so positive about running FOUR TIMES THE DEFICIT of George Bush? Deficit spending was one of the major drums you dems were beating, Obama has blown that out of the water. Tell me how the TALP and the TARP are going to be positives for the economy? Oh wait, he's black.

You attacking Obama is starting to sound a little like Cooksey attacking everyone non-nutball-Christian.

I get compared to Cooksey... umm... Wow... You need a vacation Wayne.

I'm also a little surprised to hear you going on still, considering the stock market's doing relatively ok (as good as it can be under the circumstances).

It's called a "Bear Market Rally, Wayne."

An increase in prices during a primary trend bear market is called a bear market rally. A bear market rally is sometimes defined as an increase of 10% to 20%. Bear market rallies typically begin suddenly and are often short-lived. Notable bear market rallies occurred in the Dow Jones index after the 1929 stock market crash leading down to the market bottom in 1932, and throughout the late 1960s and early 1970s. The Japanese Nikkei stock average has been typified by a number of bear market rallies since the late 1980s while experiencing an overall long-term downward trend.

Look at the trend for the last 18 months and tell me this looks good.

http://stockcharts.com/h-sc/ui?s=$INDU& ... 2881476059

It doesn't take a wall street expert to see the trend is still very down. Anyone buying here because Obama said it is a good time to buy stocks will have their hearts ripped out very soon.

I mean, you're one of those guys who has (or at least had) his family's entire well-being tied up in the bubble machine, right?

Nice little snipe, but grossly incorrect. For the record, the stock market is the best way to build wealth. Unfortunately most retail investors get slaughtered for various reasons. Mostly greed and ignorance. You HAVE to manage your own portfolio and you HAVE to be studied and seasoned enough to understand what you are doing. In today's market you have to stay nimble with short term trades, up or down, or rather stay on the sidelines in cash.
redrumloa said:
I get compared to Cooksey... umm... Wow... You need a vacation Wayne.
You pretend like 95% of your posts these days aren't directly aimed towards slamming Obama? Care to go back and check to verify what everyone else sees?

As far as the sniping goes, you're correct, and for some of it, I apologize, but I find myself a little shocked at your continual attacks and negativity on the President these days. I always give my friends more credit than that, and to see them spend it is sometimes harsh.

I'm the first to stand behind you on any other subject Jim. You know that, but this particular subject doesn't bring out either of our best sides.

Then again, to put an introspective spin on it, watching your posts these days, now I understand how I must have sounded to Genesi fluffers after Buck screwed me over for 10k in 2003.

Hell, we give mandatory appeals to child molesters and murderers on death row, so why not a little old lady who -- for all instances but one -- seems to be law abiding?

I agree with that, but I don't think it should stop with Obama's aunt. In earlier threads I pointed out similar situations with people I know, yet not a single person on Whyzzat besides myself had any compassion for their situation.
I get compared to Cooksey... umm... Wow... You need a vacation Wayne.

I don't necessarily think Wayne was that far off base. All your posts are valid, and convey real concerns, that have some foundation in truth. The thing that boils blood (at least my blood) is how selectively you see these concerns.

For example, global warming and energy dependence issues are a complete outrage when spoken by Al Gore. But you seem to have had no concerns over Bush screwing up DST in the name of reducing global warming and energy dependence.

You had no problem calling Chavez a commie bastard. But then go right on to agree and quote his assessment of Obama. (But yet ignore his comments on Bush.)

I kinda hate to say it, but I could go on and on here... :-(
For example, global warming and energy dependence issues are a complete outrage when spoken by Al Gore. But you seem to have had no concerns over Bush screwing up DST in the name of reducing global warming and energy dependence.

You missed it then. I have been complaining about Bush for about 4 years now. George Bush started this push towards socialism and was just as wacky when it came to global warming hysteria.

You had no problem calling Chavez a commie bastard.

Yes he is, you can quote me on that forever.

But then go right on to agree and quote his assessment of Obama.

Who said I agreed with it? I poseted that because there are people on Whyzaat who openly embrace Chavez, partially based on his bashing of Bush. I wanted to see the opinions of Chavez fans, who all happen to be big Obama fans.

(But yet ignore his comments on Bush.)

Ignore? You must have not been very active on Whyzzat back then. There were many discussions on the matter.

Chavez is an idiot and a commie dictator, period. His comments against Obama should be taken for comedy value only. The problem here is when he was bashing Bush, a lot of people here praised him as a socialist messiah. Now he bashes Obama and they shrug their shoulders with indifference.

Now, who is selectively seeing what :?:
redrumloa said:
a lot of people here praised him as a socialist messiah.

They did? "Socialist Messiah"? Could you provide a link? I'd love to read that.

Now, who is selectively seeing what :?:

Aherm. :roll:
metalman said:
"undocumented Democratic voters"

Saw another 5 run past this afternoon, refreshed from a swim and el Norte bound.
Wow what an idiotic stereotype. Do you really think anyone illegally here is going to show up at the voting line? :whack:
faethor said:
metalman said:
"undocumented Democratic voters"

Saw another 5 run past this afternoon, refreshed from a swim and el Norte bound.
Wow what an idiotic stereotype. Do you really think anyone illegally here is going to show up at the voting line? :whack:


Registered and voting every election. Seem's "one political party" thinks its disenfranchising voters to check for citizenship or present an ID when voting. Many Illegals get caught by replying to jury summons that they are "not citizens", and thus ineligible for jury duty. The jury summons lists are compiled from "registered voter lists".

Thanks to Motor Voter, while getting a drivers license at the DMV, all an illegal alien has to do is check a box to register to vote when applying for a driver’s license in states that allow a Mexican matricula consular or Tax ID number as an acceptable form of ID to obtain a driver’s license. Same applies to lawful "green card" residents getting a drivers license.

Considering that I have to present a photo ID to buy a box of Sudafed, I don't understand why the same standard should not apply to voting.

Today, some "slow undocumented Democratic voters" were given a free bus ride to puente uno. A confidential source told me that a purple dodge stratus ended up in a ditch after a short chase. The car's driver had an arrest record and had been deported before. Seems that they had received a tip of the vehicle description and the plate #'s.
metalman said:
Registered and voting every election. Seem's "one political party" thinks its disenfranchising voters to check for citizenship or present an ID when voting.
Voting roles and statistics shows that significantly higher voter turn outs occur when more flexible voting requirements are in place. For example, in Minnesota and Wisconsin, who have multiple forms of ID allowed and same day voting registration, are at the top if not top % of people voting each election. So it's not just 'think' it is exactly the case that more limited requirements produce more limited turn out.

Considering that I have to present a photo ID to buy a box of Sudafed, I don't understand why the same standard should not apply to voting.
It is already a felony to vote when not allowed. Recently the State of MN went back more than 30 years looking at issues of voting. The 'illegal' voter was a rare occurance. Typically a couple of convincted felons voted each year. Most frequently any charges were dropped because during their release it was not properly communicated that they lost voting rights. There were 0 illegals found convincted of voting when they should not. This tells me the problem is an academic arguement and is not reflecting the real world.

A confidential source told me that a purple dodge stratus ended up in a ditch after a short chase. The car's driver had an arrest record and had been deported before. Seems that they had received a tip of the vehicle description and the plate #'s.
This doesn't prove that they voted. Let's give you the benefit of the doubt and say they did vote. Now let's give you the benefit of doubt again and say an ID is the only requirement. You described conditions before where illegals illegaly obtained IDs. Seems to me giving you the benefit doesn't change the outcome of the perceived problem.

On a side note the illegal voting non-problem will certainly improve next year. For the last couple of years the economy is bad enough that illegals are going home. I believe last year it was estimated 120K illegals went home, well cuz there are no jobs here... Maybe the answer on illegal voting is let the Republicans drive us into the ground some more. :python:
faethor said:
Voting roles and statistics shows that significantly higher voter turn outs occur when more flexible voting requirements are in place. For example, in Minnesota and Wisconsin, who have multiple forms of ID allowed and same day voting registration, are at the top if not top % of people voting each election. So it's not just 'think' it is exactly the case that more limited requirements produce more limited turn out.
High Duval county turnout attracts state's notice

"All who voted in Duval County are registered Democrats."

Duval county always has had significantly higher voter participation, very civic minded there.

George B. Parr, the "Duke of Duval county"
faethor asked
"Wow what an idiotic stereotype. Do you really think anyone illegally here is going to show up at the voting line?"

I don't know why you find it so hard to believe. Dead people do it all the time.
It happens every four years right here in Alabama. Magically people rise up from the grave, fill out their mail-in ballots, and then "go into the light", rest for another four years, rinse and repeat.

Well maybe they are not technically illegal, but they are truly dead. The funny thing about it is it always happens in Democratically controlled counties.

You would think that dead Republicans would rise up and counteract this unfair advantage, but somehow they just can't find the strength. That, and the fact that you couldn't find 100 Republican in all these counties combined even when they were alive.

Six Alabama counties have more enrolled voters than people of voting age
Fade said:
The funny thing about it is it always happens in Democratically controlled counties.

You would think that dead Republicans would rise up and counteract this unfair advantage, but somehow they just can't find the strength.

That's because it's only Democrats who ever cheat.

You'll never, ever, EVER find a dishonest Republican.
Wayne said:
You're the only one here that wants them to stay here it seems. In reference to Obama's aunt, EVERY family has its black sheep. Think Ted Kennedy.
And of course some black sheep are more costly than others. Jeb Bush defauled on $4.5Million. Neil Bush was head of a bank that went belly up and cost tax payers over $1.5B.

Now as upset we are at this illegal aunt I somehow doubt she's as costly to tax payers as the legal Bushes.
Fade said:
I don't know why you find it so hard to believe. Dead people do it all the time.
It happens every four years right here in Alabama. Magically people rise up from the grave, fill out their mail-in ballots, and then "go into the light", rest for another four years, rinse and repeat.
And if your County governments are failing to do their job today by properly establishing voter rolls once ID cards are used they will now somehow magically do their jobs? Bullocks.

Well maybe they are not technically illegal, but they are truly dead. The funny thing about it is it always happens in Democratically controlled counties.
Certainly you always accuse Dems as mindless zombies so let the zombies vote. :lol:

Six Alabama counties have more enrolled voters than people of voting age
Which again doesn't prove that there were more votes than voting age people. One thing that's fairly common is if someone moves out of County they fail to notify the County to change the voting roles. So next election their name will likely still appear.