Obama's a big spender - so lies Fox News

seriously only the blind watch faux "news"

No confusion at all, just Dems squirming with numbers to save their asses. Problem is, 2009 Obama gets his massive Stimulus Bill approved and paid for which is what the Dems are trying to hide in the numbers by claiming it's under Bush's budget. That's not even including the $200B that Obama requested Bush in Dec of 2008 to release from TARP funds so he had that to play with the moment he was sworn in.

Four years ago today our national debt was: http://usdebtclock.org/2008.html (9.96T)

Today out national debt is: http://usdebtclock.org/index.html ($15.82T)

I know Progressives have trouble with math, but the difference is $5.86T in new debt. I'll cut him some break since Obama hasn't had a full four years yet, I'll knock it down to $5T in fresh new national debt that HE HAS SPENT on our charge card. That's not including the other massive new spending that was actually paid for.

So what are you Progressives going to do to not only balance the US Budget (running annually at $1T short) but to pay off the $16+T in national Debt?
See as the economy was best under Clinton in the last 30years turning back all,polices of the last decade is a logical place to start.