Nvidia Shield Tablet review


Active Member
Jul 6, 2005
Reaction score
Extremely capable stock, but when you throw in a 128Gb sd card, it becomes the monster it always promised it could be.

The one downside to it, is that there is precious little in the app store that can really push the hardware to the limits as yet.
The one downside to it, is that there is precious little in the app store that can really push the hardware to the limits as yet.

Well, there's an excuse to start mucking about with Unity, if I ever saw one. ;)
One thing I will say is that Doom 3 looks utterly stunning on the thing. It seems really odd that when that game first came out it required the sort of hardware that would cause lights to dim when you fired it up and now it can be run comfortably on a mobile device.

Sign of the times I guess hehe.