It was perfect beach weather ... and then it wasn't

Yikes! Scary stuff.

Sounds like you missed out on good old prairie storms when you were in Canada. I got caught once coming out of the Royal Tyrell Museum in Drumheller. I was walking to my car in a pretty strong wind under a dark sky but didn't think much of it when suddenly there was a "whap!!" off the roof of the car I was passing that set of the car alarm. The next second the scenario was being repeated all across the lot and chunks of ice between the size of a marble and a walnut were bouncing off me and the cars and the asphalt. That smarts. That's when I covered my head and hoped I remembered where I'd parked and ran. Would have been a good time to have one of them new fangled radio key fobs to unlock the car door too.
Of course, Gaza beaches are scarier but this one's nearly as bad.
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