Indisputable Proof Of Propaganda


Active Member
Apr 2, 2005
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The Orville Season 1 was at 19% critic score yesterday, some high profile youtubers pointed it out, today has a slight bump to 31%. That's not the point of this though. Orville Season 1 was not a Disney product and no SJW message, therefore "critics" hated it. But then Disney bought it and something amazing happened to The Orville Season 2. Critics magically game it a 100% review.

Take a show "universally despised" by critics, add the mouse, and suddenly it is the best tv show in the history of the world.
Well, indisputable proof of biased (or more likely Disney purchased) reviews, at least. Not sure where propaganda fits in.

Just curious... Have you ever watched the Orville?
Well, indisputable proof of biased (or more likely Disney purchased) reviews, at least. Not sure where propaganda fits in.

Well, I was planning on a quick followup post but haven't gotten around to it. It could be a long post. It seems Disney has jumped head first into the culture war. I'll try to do the follow up post soon, and trim it down a bit.

Just curious... Have you ever watched the Orville?

Honestly, no. I hear it is pretty good, but I'm no big Star Trek fan. I semi-like the original series, but that's about where it ends. The positive vibes I hear about it make me curious though, maybe I'll give it a shot one day.
On a side note, I really simply do not watch network television any longer. The last show I followed religiously was probably The Simpsons, but stopped religiously following it about 20 years ago. I don't think I've even seen an episode in ~10 years. The last new series I even attempted to watch was Terra Nova back in 2011, and I only made it through 3 episodes. Network TV is such hot steaming garbage.
On a side note, I really simply do not watch network television any longer. The last show I followed religiously was probably The Simpsons, but stopped religiously following it about 20 years ago. I don't think I've even seen an episode in ~10 years. The last new series I even attempted to watch was Terra Nova back in 2011, and I only made it through 3 episodes. Network TV is such hot steaming garbage.

Yeah, I finally got mad about one of the 200 bill increases, and calculated out how much we actually still watched live TV. When it came out to less than an hour a week, we decided to cut out cable TV... and I can't really say I've missed anything of value.

I did watch a few episodes of the Orville on hulu, though. It's... not the show I expected it would be. My wife was expecting something like the movie Galaxy Quest. I was just hoping I wouldn't vomit in my mouth before the end of the pilot, as the promo's made it look terrible. But, honestly, it really was closest thing I've seen to the original Star Trek series in spirit, but with a bunch of bad jokes thrown in to try to sell it as a comedy. The show doesn't completely fit together, and the whole "team of misfits" trope is a bit played out, but yet, I'm still planning on watching a few more episodes, to see where it goes, at least.

What really puzzled me was this sentence.
Orville Season 1 was not a Disney product and no SJW message, therefore "critics" hated it.
… a couple episodes I've seen in season 1 pretty clearly have a social message. Nearly to the point of ham-fisted bludgeoning.

I haven't seen later into season one or any of season 2, yet. I'm tempted to skip ahead to see if it gets better to make a determination if I'll watch more, but I'm not sure how much sense that would make, and I'm not quite at that point that I'm ready to give up on it potentially improving its balance.
… a couple episodes I've seen in season 1 pretty clearly have a social message. Nearly to the point of ham-fisted bludgeoning.

Oh really? I was just going on what I heard 2nd hand. I'd be even more surprised if critics initially blasted an SJW show. Even if, it still shows the weight the house of the mouse has.
Oh really? I was just going on what I heard 2nd hand. I'd be even more surprised if critics initially blasted an SJW show.

Honestly, I doubt the critics even watched more than 5 minutes before panning it. By all rights, it should be terrible.

Except, it really isn't. Generally, it's more like how the original series touched on current topics of the late 60's through the bridge crew, this touches on current topics of late through the crew. A couple of the episodes were very good. A couple not so much. All of them had a cringeworthy moment or two. Find me a Star Trek episode that doesn't. (There may be a couple of the Next Gen episodes, but not many.) But the cast is pretty likable. And, overall, it at least caught my interest.

I wouldn't call it an SJW show. But they do blatantly make sure to touch a few bases there, too. Again, I think it's just a framework that any modern show has to deal with.
Even if, it still shows the weight the house of the mouse has.

Oh no doubt, there. You can always absolutely count on Disney doing everything in their power to increase their stack of cash. And since this has been true a long time, they have a sizable chunk of cash (and therefore power) to do that with.
Ok, here's I'll try to tackle that follow up post I originally meant to do quickly. I'll try not to make it too long, but knowing the backstory is kind of key to my point. I won't provide too many links, since google works fine.

The Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU) is owned by Disney. Up until 2019 it was done in a way that was fan friendly. The characters and story lines were the classic ones from the 60s through 80s. This is a very important point, as the current PRINT Marvel Comics characters are nothing like they were in the 60s-80s. Anyone watching an MCU movie and walked into a comic book shop would be shocked to find they could not buy any coming based on the characters they saw on the screen. Current Marvel PRINT comics have eliminated most traditional characters, and replaced them with a new SJW swapped version to the extreme. Ones they do keep around get a huge makeover. One glaring example is Captain America, whom they made a literal Nazi for a while because, you know, he's a white male called Captain America.

Anyhow, the MCU largely was about making good movies and pleasing the fans. The actors went out of their way in interviews to explain they were only there because of the fans and how much they appreciate them. Then something changed about a year or so ago. The Captain Marvel movie was announced, and Brie Larson was selected to play the Carol Danvers version of Captain Marvel. This immediately raised tons of red flags. Without getting too crazy deep into the history in the comics, Carol Danvers was not the first female Captain Marvel, that would be Monica Rambeau. Carol Danvers as Captain Marvel did not happen until 2012. That character was so unpopular, the comic has been rebooted at least 7 times since 2012. Why was it so unpopular? Carol Danvers is such a screaming SJW man hating feminist, you would almost think it was parody, but it is not. Brie Larson was also known as a snide, snobby rich white feminist.

So there was the worry. here you had the MCU until that point being all about characters and story lines as they were written in the 60s-80s, and suddenly you completely break from that and introduce a character from after 2012 when Marvel has been completely about SJW politics and one of the worst examples of that. Every step of the way, those concerns keep being validated. She's railed against white men about every chance she gets, essentially saying (paraphrasing) movies like Captain Marvel were not made for them. She did another interview where her doorbell rang, and she blamed it on the Patriarchy. All cringe. Disney Marvel execs have stated this movie is a feminist statement. Brie has repeatedly said her being in this movie is "her form of activism" (not paraphrased). Separately, Samuel L Jackson has been railing against Trump on his press tours. Suddenly the MCU is all about far leftwing politics. The press tours have been exclusively focused on that, not the movie itself.

Taken in whole, the fan anticipation of this movie should not be what it should be. There is a bit of a backlash against it from those who have read or heard any of the nonsense. But it is just a movie right? If fans aren't happy, they won't go and the box office will suffer, right? That's the free market, right? Not exactly. Rotten Tomatoes historically had a feature before a movie came out that allowed people to select either "yes I want to see this movie" or "no, I do not want to go to see this movie". Last time I saw it, there was roughly 47k people responding and only a 26% want to see. The Liberal Media were going bonkers, universally using the exact same language calling it "trolls review bombing without even seeing the movie". The problem for anyone with a functional braincell was the fact, it was not a review. It was a binary question of if people wanted to see the movie or not. All good right? Free market right. Wrong.

Trolls target female-led blockbusters. Ahead of ‘Captain Marvel,’ Rotten Tomatoes shut them down.

See how the Liberal Media is framing this? What happened is Rotten Tomatoes removed the ability to say "No I do not want to see this movie". The binary option is no more, now there is a single option of "Yes, I want to see this movie". If you are confused by this change and click yes, thinking you will get more options? You are SOL. You cannot undo this selection. Now it only shows a number of people who supposed want to see it. The Liberal media keep doing the rounds claiming "trolls were review bombing" and celebrating this change. Many are celebrating the fact this will "save" the movie.


Umm, yeah. This is the movie there is panic to save for some reason. Rotten Tomatoes themselves are pretending it is all just one big coincidence. They'll let the Liberal Media do their dirty work, while they pretend to feign ignorance.

Rotten Tomatoes president: We didn't change site to protect Captain Marvel

Riiiiight. BTW, that would be Paul Yanover, president of Fandango, which owns Rotten Tomatoes. You know what else he was involved in? Uh-oh... yup, he's a former Disney executive.

So why is this the movie that everyone from the Liberal Media, to the very top of Disney, to every SJW troll on the internet is willing to die on the hill for? Pure propaganda. Very, very expensive propaganda. Rotten tomatoes suddenly changes the way it operates after 2+ decades to protect this one film. To me this is more than just the weight of the house of the mouse being pushed around. The political message in this movie is crucial for these clowns.

To add insult to injury for MCU fans, it seems this character being introduced just months before endgame means that a character is going to come out of nowhere and do what the established characters could not, easily beat Thanos because "White Rich Feminist" or something. Even more insulting to MCU fans, is why not give the 80s version of Captain Marvel? The original Female Captain Marvel? She actually led the Avengers for a while and was beloved.


No, rich white feminists are more important, or something.

Even more screwed up? Brie Larson is promoting "Charities" that are crowdfunding to bring "under privileged young girls" to go see this movie. That's right, you're a poor girl? No food, medicine or anything else, just a movie ticket to watch a rich white feminist and make her even more money. Is that even legal? Using presumably not-for-profits to pump up movie revenue to increase your own salary? Why not just buy the tickets out of pocket Brie? :smh:
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I wouldn't call it an SJW show. But they do blatantly make sure to touch a few bases there, too. Again, I think it's just a framework that any modern show has to deal with.

Well it all depends how it is done. I've been a "conservative" my whole life, so have had to deal with a mostly leftist slant in entertainment. If something just happens to have a "diverse" cast, so be it. At times they can even seem to be bludgeoning you with it, I can usually deal with it. The problem comes in when the show/movie etc makes sure the whole point is to tell you how great they are for doing it, and how they are better people than you.The effort doesn't seem to be into telling a good story, just making sure you know muh diversity and white man = evil.

A perfect example for me would be The Walking Dead in recent years. Almost the entire cast from the first few seasons have been killed off. Almost exclusively the newest characters brought in have been "diverse", aka very few straight white males. Any new relationships are exclusively either interracial or gay. Like you mentioned, every box is getting checked off. Even with disability both on the main show (deaf black woman) and the spin off FTWD (black man in wheel chair). In the real world there is really no chance you would be getting the percentages together like in the show. However, they way they just simply do it and make the characters real fleshed out characters, no one is complaining. In The Walking Dead they even did the deaf angle in a really smart way. Using sign language to communicate without making noise would be a huge help in that world. Their advertising for the show is not "The most woke show of all time!". They just did it, and despite general show quality decline over the years, no one is really complaining. I may make a off the cuff comment to my wife, or I might see a mildly snarky comment here and there, but no one really cares.

Then you have the other side. You have something like this new Captain Marvel movie where despite not being out yet, Disney Marvel, the Liberal Media, and Brie Larson are doing victory laps proclaiming themselves to be such great people because muh wahman. They are pretending this movie is some sort of ground breaking event. They claim it is the first strong female lead in a movie (Ripley anyone?). First female led Marvel movie (Supergirl anyone?). When challenged they can only fall back to "first female led MCU movie". So let me get this straight. Disney Marvel artificially held back making a female led MCU movie, to be able to later pat themselves on the back?

It goes elsewhere. Virtue signalling is everywhere right now. In "metal" music even. A bunch of mediocre dudes in a band will hire a mediocre female singer, have her get on stage and shake her ass, and tell the world how great they are for having a female singer. Liberal Metal media can't stop talking about the fact there is a wahman in metal like it is a first. If you try pointing out bands like Heart who have been around forever, or other fantastic long established women musicians, crickets.

They don't care about being "diverse", they care about their fringe leftwing politics. Why is it a movie like Alita: Battle Angel gets blasted by the Liberal Media? Female, handicap, strong, all boxes pretty much checked. Why the hate? It doesn't bow at the alter of SJW-Communist politics.
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Indisputable proof is here too from a few years ago. It starts off cringe, but by the end you hear complete fabrications/ It was pure propaganda to harm Trump. It was posted before, but some may have missed it. Watch until the end to see how they make shit up to explain "SJW", "Cuck" and others.

Yet more proof is Youtube keeps pulling this clip, thus they many mirrors like this. I've downloaded it myself to be safe.
This one is a stretch for this specific thread, as it is not indisputable, but I have VERY strong suspicions this CHUMP did not act alone.


Intellectual history consists largely of showing who was talking to whom and tracing the effects of influential thinkers’ and activists’ ideas. Guess what? You can draw a straight line, through real people, from Herbert Marcuse to Jussie Smollett. It turns out that his mom was, and remains, best friends with Marcuse disciple Angela Davis, the Communist Party candidate for Vice President in 1980 and 1984.

And by Communist, we of course mean “Russia-backed”—not in the speculative wet-dream-CNN-Trump-scandal sense of being backed by Russia, but in the actual, bought-and-paid-for-by-red-devils sense of the phrase.

Angela Davis’s candidacy for Kremlin-funded communists disappears and reappears from her Wikipedia entry all the time. You never know if it’ll be there on a given day. Perhaps that’s because Davis is now somewhat embarrassed by her past as a Communist Party member. Not because it was dangerous and insane, you understand, but because it wasn’t extreme enough. In 2009, she laughed and sneered as she told the head of the NAACP that really struggled over whether to join the Communist Party because she considered it “so conservative … I wanted to do something more interesting and radical.”

Davis wistfully added that she still sometimes imagined “the possibility of moving beyond the democratic socialist arrangement.” In the same interview, she explained how she was followed by the FBI from the age of six, and taught by her Communist Party parents never to speak to the authorities. Who headed the Communist Party when Davis was six, and died a couple of months after her ninth birthday? That would be Josef Stalin.

Davis was a fan of Jim “Kool-Aid Killer” Jones and hated Solzhenitsyn’s fellow dissidents in Russia. Progressives are regularly mystified when her pathological hatred of Israel presents her with hurdles to professional advancement and various gongs. Needless to say, Davis is now making a living on the diversity circuit on college campuses. These days she’s a professor emerita at UC Santa Cruz, in something called—I kid you not—the “History of Consciousness Department.” She’s also, naturally, a former director of the university’s Feminist Studies department. That’s when she’s not hosting the Smollett family for lunch on Mother’s Day.

They way it all played out at the beginning, it all smelled like a false flag hoax breathlessly reported in the "media" for propaganda purposes. Again, not indisputable, but makes sense. How strong his supporters were with the "how dare you question this!!!" message, to how quick they jumped off the bandwagon when CPD did not play along, tells me it was more straight up propaganda gone wrong.
Indisputable proof is here too from a few years ago. It starts off cringe, but by the end you hear complete fabrications/ It was pure propaganda to harm Trump. It was posted before, but some may have missed it. Watch until the end to see how they make shit up to explain "SJW", "Cuck" and others.

Yet more proof is Youtube keeps pulling this clip, thus they many mirrors like this. I've downloaded it myself to be safe.
I'm pretty sure that's a satirical troll, but it dances pretty close to Poe's Law.
I'm pretty sure that's a satirical troll, but it dances pretty close to Poe's Law.
These days, unless I have communicated with a poster previously, I treat almost everything as if it's subject to Poe's law.
The spectrum of crackpot is just too wide to do otherwise.

I never watched the clip above, it was just a general observation.
So why is this the movie that everyone from the Liberal Media, to the very top of Disney, to every SJW troll on the internet is willing to die on the hill for? Pure propaganda. Very, very expensive propaganda.

Wow... How deep does the rabbit hole go?



I should, say 2 days ago Tomatometer is a solid 0%.

I'll have to actually remember to watch it before I can really comment. But I will say I've heard several people whom I know personally are actual fans of his that didn't like this one. Dave is typically a master at walking the tightrope between sides, while having at least a chuckle. So I don't know for sure if he just cracked a joke a little too close to home for them, or if it really was a miss on his part this time.