Facebook, Pinterest, Twitter, or G+?

Which style Social Site do you prefer?

  • Pinterest (photo-based)

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Twitter

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Turns out, Google+ is dead.
G+ is alive and vibrant for me.

and I honestly don't get why circles are confusing to anyone.

people are so used to the over-complexity of farcebook they don't appreciate the efficiency of G+

in any case, I feel comfortable on G+, whereas I feel paranoid on facebook. I've been blocking people any time I see someone making are ridiculous and stupid comment. I just can't risk such a person reporting my account because they disagree with something I write.

facebook "claims" it wants to connect people - it's stupid policies are in fact DISconnecting people
G+ is alive and vibrant for me.

and I honestly don't get why circles are confusing to anyone.

The same reason that iOS makes perfect sense to me yet my dad considers it crazy and hard to use. Same reason I consider Android to be retarded, yet true idiots love it...

You have a bad experience with Facebook. I don't blame you for your hatred, but I understand the motives behind your hatred...

people are so used to the over-complexity of farcebook they don't appreciate the efficiency of G+

Again, perspective. Is Facebook overly complex? Yes. Do I view g+ as efficient? Absolutely not. Google plus suffers from trying too hard to compete with Facebook rather than building their own experience.

So... Here we go peeps... I just got a bit of money I was expecting today and will be making the purchase tomorrow.

What I'll do THIS WEEKEND (unless I get distracted) is to create a duplicate of this site at archive.whyzzat.com. I'm debating leaving permissions as is versus closing it down initially (until I can get the new site tiptop...)

Then, I'll build SE on the current URL and install the essential addons (spam control, advanced comments, etcetera) and e-vite everyone back to the new site to play.

Sound cool with everyone? Enough notice? Need more? Have ideas or comments?
