Clinton broke law with private email server

I know some of you are probably surprised I haven't weighed in since the Comey debacle. The simple fact is that I'm SO angry and SO disappointed in the failed system that I simply can't address what I'm feeling adequately without seething anger and sadness for the word of Law in the United States...

I know some of you are probably surprised I haven't weighed in since the Comey debacle. The simple fact is that I'm SO angry and SO disappointed in the failed system that I simply can't address what I'm feeling adequately without seething anger and sadness for the word of Law in the United States...

Yup... Same. I mean, we all knew that laws weren't applied the same way to the elites as they are to us... But to have it so blatantly rubbed in your face. Yeah.

As for Comey and the statement, itself... Paraphrasing something I heard elsewhere. His statement is a perfect inkblot. You can see in it whatever you like.

He basically states that she lied the entire time (obstructed justice), did the acts she denies (knowingly mishandled classified information), and stated that if it were anyone else, they'd face stiffer consequences. But because of the profile of it all, they don't recommend prosecuting.

I guess we always kind of knew this would be the end game. Comey is charged with protecting US information interests. Right from the FBI's own mission statement, bullet point one summarizes it.
Aiming core investigative work proactively against threats to U.S. interests;

I think it came down that exposing exactly how corrupt the system is was deemed more damaging to US interests than covering up the actions. At some point, though, we have to tear off the bandages, and expose the infected and rotting flesh underneath. Sure it'll hurt. But the longer it is put off, the worse it gets.
Not quite the same thing but funny nonetheless:

Well the FBI set a precedent with Hildabeast, so this should no longer be considered a crime for high ranking politicians. It is only a crime if you don't hold a high ranking political position.
Well, it just continues to show what a corrupt mess the entire sum of Democrats and Republicans both are.

I've said it before, and I'll continue to say it. The only way there will ever be meaningful change will be through a 3rd party. (Or Revolution if things keep going as absurdly as they are.)
Well, it just continues to show what a corrupt mess the entire sum of Democrats and Republicans both are.

I've said it before, and I'll continue to say it. The only way there will ever be meaningful change will be through a 3rd party. (Or Revolution if things keep going as absurdly as they are.)

I agree, but unfortunately they are all poorly run. The Libertarian Party was looking promising for a few years, but whomever is driving the ship these days is not far removed from the Democrat Party. Gary Johnson morphed into a a literal raging SJW. Whomever is running their official Facebook page is posting endless garbage leftist propaganda.

Maybe the Constitution Party can get some wheels under them. For now I have to put my faith behind Trump's version of the Republican Party, even though I don't agree with everything I see out of it.
Ultimately, maybe the best thing to come from the next few years will be a serious house cleaning.

Unfortunately, even in their complete and utter defeat, the Democrats don't look to be having one, yet. You'd think that they would reach bottom some day, but seemingly no.

And I agree, I still have hope for Trump. He is certainly the best hope for salvaging the Republicans. Should he choose to go that direction. Still too early to tell who he is really working for.
New Huma Abedin Emails Reveal Additional Instances of Clinton Sending Classified Information, Pay For Play

(Washington, DC) — Judicial Watch today released 1,184 pages of State Department records, including previously unreleased Hillary Clinton email exchanges, revealing additional instances of Abedin and Hillary Clinton sending classified information through unsecured email accounts and contributors being given special access to the former secretary of state.

The emails, were obtained in response to a court order from a May 5, 2015, Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) lawsuit filed against the State Department after it failed to respond to a March 18 FOIA request (Judicial Watch, Inc. v. U.S. Department of State (No. 1:15-cv-00684)). The lawsuit seeks:

  • All emails of official State Department business received or sent by former Deputy Chief of Staff Huma Abedin from January 1, 2009 through February 1, 2013 using a non-“” email address.
The records contain 29 previously undisclosed Clinton emails – of a total of which is now at least 288 emails that were not part of the 55,000 pages of emails that Clinton turned over to the State Department. This further appears to contradict statements by Clinton that, “as far as she knew,” all of her government emails were turned over to the State Department. Two of these emails are now available on the State Department’s website.
I just can't get over why Comey and Lynch are not rotting in Club Fed.

James Comey admits polls were ‘a factor’ in email announcement: ‘I was operating in a world where Hillary Clinton was going to beat Donald Trump’

Former FBI director James Comey has said that his assumption that Hillary Clinton would win the presidency was “a factor” in his decision to make an announcement about her emails which may have turned the election.

Sitting down with ABC news during the promotional tour for his book, Comey said that he worried, “if I hide this from the American people, she’ll be illegitimate the moment she’s elected, the moment this comes out.”

The announcement was immediately controversial, as it was immediately clear it had not been fully thought out.

“I don’t remember consciously thinking about that, but it must have been because I was operating in a world where Hillary Clinton was going to beat Donald Trump, and so I’m sure that it was a factor,” Comey told ABC News’ chief anchor George Stephanopoulos in an exclusive interview ahead of the April 17 release of his book, “A Higher Loyalty: Truth, Lies, and Leadership.”

Democrats = corrupt deep state
I just can't get over why Comey and Lynch are not rotting in Club Fed. (...)

Former FBI director James Comey has said that his assumption that Hillary Clinton would win the presidency was “a factor” in his decision to make an announcement about her emails which may have turned the election.
James B. Comey has been a registered Republican for most of his life. Currently, he considers himself to be an independent - like a certain redrumloa.

Democrats = corrupt deep state
I wished someone would write a script that took all of your past posts here on Whyzzat and replaced the word "Democrats" with "jews". Perhaps then you might realize what you have constantly been doing for years, There is no real difference between blindly vilifying a certain racial / religious group or blindly vilifying a group of people who happen to belong to a different political party.
There is no real difference between blindly vilifying a certain racial / religious group or blindly vilifying a group of people who happen to belong to a different political party.

That's a bit harsh IMO. Political affiliation is ultimately a matter of choice. Race isn't.

That said, I agree with the thrust of your point; generalisations are generally bad. ;)
I wished someone would write a script that took all of your past posts here on Whyzzat and replaced the word "Democrats" with "jews". Perhaps then you might realize what you have constantly been doing for years, There is no real difference between blindly vilifying a certain racial / religious group or blindly vilifying a group of people who happen to belong to a different political party.
What you are observing is a mental illness. An obsession with conspiracy theories. An obsession with The Negative. An obsession with scapegoating. So easy to blame The Other for every problem in the world. Way easier than solving those problems. Way easier
James B. Comey has been a registered Republican for most of his life. Currently, he considers himself to be an independent - like a certain redrumloa.

That's really what you took out of my post? The (former) DIRECTOR OF THE FBI admitts consulting polls before deciding a person's guilt or innocence does not move the needle for you? Wow.

I hate to break it to you JoBBo, this may be a huge shock to you, but Hillary Clinton had the Democrat Party nomination. Maybe sit down and have a few sips of water.

I have one more thing to tell you, but you may want to call the family doctor first. The shock to your system may be too much for you. This is the thread we are talking in right now.

Clinton broke law with private email server

Read the title a few times and really understand it. Next click the link and look at who the original poster was.

Robert,May 26, 2016

As for Comey himself, if after everything we have seen over the last 2+ years you still think he is a Republican, I have some Florida Swamp Land to sell you. Maybe the law office former Florida Governor Charlie Crist was recently associated with can draw up the deeds. You know, the same Charlie Crist who is a Republican, I mean Independent, I mean Democrat. Whew. I don't how I could have confused that??

Would you rather me use the term "Establishment"? That often means Democrat, but not always. There are certainly establishment Republicans. I can name on hand and have fingers left the Democrats in Washington I would trust.
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An obsession with scapegoating. So easy to blame The Other for every problem in the world.


We have some on the right doing the exact same thing now. Wow...
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