A taste of the olden days.


Active Member
May 17, 2005
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Remember when you couldn't get someone on the phone if they weren't at home or at work, you didn't have a computer in your pocket blipping and bleeping to let you know about every little detail of every little thing happening in the world, and people paid for their store purchases in cash?

In Canada, that's today!
Remember when you couldn't get someone on the phone if they weren't at home or at work, you didn't have a computer in your pocket blipping and bleeping to let you know about every little detail of every little thing happening in the world, and people paid for their store purchases in cash?

In Canada, that's today!

It frightens me how blindingly reliant we are on electronics. Not just electronics, but wireless cloud based electronics. Cars don't just have coils and spark plugs, but many (most?) are extremely reliant on computers including fly by wire. I'm no techphobe. I was the first person I knew that was "online" back in the mid 80s. I still love technology. The problem? An EMP or a major solar flare could knock out an entire continent. That happened in the late 1800s, but back then there were only telegraphs to go down. The all went down in the north east of the US and into Canada. That's nowhere near the largest possible solar event of its type. An event like that happening today and millions could starve. We could go from current day, good or bad, to an extreme form of Mad Max or such in the snap of a finger.