281 Nigerian princes arrested

Timely. Just last week I had to file a couple FBI IS3 reports on perps whose trail ended in Nigeria, as far back as I could trace it. (Not guaranteeing it was a Nigerian, but there were IPs from Nigerian ISPs, at least.) They made a fake domain and account and managed to insert themselves as a man-in-the-middle of a money wire from one of our customers to us. Unfortunately, one customer fell for the forged email, and wired the money to the incorrect account, even after we were aware of the activity and sent them a warning not to. And who the hell would update their banking information by sending your customers an email anyhow? Why would this customer ever even consider that might be legit? Let alone just changing that information without calling their contact. But these Nigerian style scams can definitely cause confusion. Guess that is how they end up with millions. (sigh)