2014 Worldwide hottest year on record

Punxsutawney Phil saw his shadow today (Groundhog Day). In relation to MN '6 more weeks of winter' weather conditions the accuracy of Phil is 39%.

"It's a good day to kill a groundhog." ~ Bill deBlasio

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Oh my I just pissed off a co-worker. I was in the lunch room and a couple of us were laughing about Groundhog Day. Apparently, there are at least a few Baby Boomers that believe rodents predict the weather. :bashhead
Punxsutawney Phil saw his shadow today (Groundhog Day). In relation to MN '6 more weeks of winter' weather conditions the accuracy of Phil is 39%.
well, I'm no small furry animal but it snowed today so we will have winter for at least another week

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Oh my I just pissed off a co-worker. I was in the lunch room and a couple of us were laughing about Groundhog Day. Apparently, there are at least a few Baby Boomers that believe rodents predict the weather. :bashhead

Scary stuff.
My previous boss (a very good programmer and otherwise intelligent guy) believes in ghosts and "the spirit world".
End of Snow? Interesting prediction - more then half the resorts won't be viable in 30 years. We'll have to come back here in 2044 and see. Though what I've seen here in Minnesota is the Ski Resorts are now trying to be open year round. For example many now have mountain biking and golfing.

This year the East Coast is seeing lots of snow. The news is different for the breadbasket. Minnesota is experiencing one of it's least snowiest winters. This came out at the end of Jan. We've gotten 2-3" since that time, most of which promptly melted. So, no real change.
Snowmobilers are being hit - http://www.myfoxtwincities.com/story/27936608/lack-of-snow-puts-damper-on-snowmobile-season
Dog sledders are being hit - http://voyageursclassic.com/ , http://www.brainerd.net/~tmjk/mid_mn150.htm
The study, compiled by scientists from the space agency, Cornell University and Columbia University, predicts an 80% chance that the Great Plains and the American Southwest will endure a major weather shift beginning in 2050, which could spark massive wildfires and water shortages if the current pace of climate change continues.

Most alarming: The forecasted drought accompanying the weather shift could be of a severity not seen within the past 1,000 years.

2050? If I last that long I'll be 78.
I'm actually coming around to the idea global climate catastrophe; might get me some excitement before I shuffle off this mortal coil.
Shovel some more coal in lads!
