What have you done about the government?


Active Member
May 17, 2005
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This question is directed at the Americans here, but the principle applies in other countries that have supposed representative democracy.

What have you done about governing? When did you find out about S510, for example, which was talked about here, just recently in another thread. Surely Red knew last year. I'm surprised that a search here didn't bring it up because I'm sure it was mentioned back then too.

And once you knew about it, what did you do about it? And if you didn't know about it, why not? Was it not on the news? Didn't it come up in the papers? You'd think it was important and the "liberal media" would want to mention something about it, no?

And what do you know of the "Super Congress" and are you going to do anything about it?

Or are you all going to watch E.T. and TSN instead then complain about what the Super Congress does a couple of years down the road?

Just wondering.
Anyone done anything yet? Called or written (or even emailed) a politician? Letter to the editor?

The blatant get out of jail virtually free card from the Attorneys General of the States to the finance industry is still moving forward. Wouldn't that be a good thing to contact someone about? Or would it be more effective to complain about what a lame duck Obama is? Hey, why do I care? It's not my country. I have plenty to deal with here, but I'd have thought that Americans might care about such things - you know, the way that you care so much you actually do something.
I complain on Whyzzat to Canadians;) Mainly I spread information to family and friends so they are informed before they vote.

About S510 IIRC it was last discussed before it was signed into law. As these things usually happen, Obama signed it into law without a peep in the media and went unnoticed even on Whyzzat.

What is ET and TSN? Isn't ET a movie from the early 80's? Why would I watch that?
This question is directed at the Americans here, but the principle applies in other countries that have supposed representative democracy.

Who cares? It's like watching a rat scurry around the upper levels of the Titanic. I rather worry about that cute little iceberg ahead then go kill that rat. America is in that deep in poop and it's not going to matter if the worst happens.
I did not even know about the s510 & Monsanto until it already too late. Damn, Redrumloa. Your info is late. I don't watch TV on the weekdays. I am too busy watching stocks market.
Who cares?

Well, not you, apparently. I guess if you just prefer to leave everything to the politicians and the "elites" then you can pretend that all this mess is none of your fault. That's like crashing your car then telling the cops it's not your fault because you were asleep in the back seat when it happened.

Are you going to go tell the captain about the ice berg ahead or are you just going to laugh at the rats?

You know that politicians don't actually have time to read all the legislation that passes by them before they vote. There just isn't enough time in the day for them to go and get all the information that they need. they have to rely on the feedback they hear from their constituents and in the bubble of power the people they tend to hear the most from are the same people that sponsored the bill in the first place. some politicians are corrupt psychos and they only listen to the job offer they are getting if they pass the bill, but there are plenty of politicians that enter with good intentions but get bad advice because they only hear from paid shills. Phone calls, emails and hand written letters can make a difference.

I know that a lot of the truly concerned and honest types get weeded out before they are put up for election but even the self serving simpltons that get in can be swayed.

Feeling like it's useless so that you never bother to try makes it become useless as a self fulfilling prophecy. You know what they call people who give up before they try? Losers.