Murdoch's news-tainment machine is soulless & evil


Active Member
May 17, 2005
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But is it evil enough that people will care?

The phone tapping/hacking scandal should be enough but it seems that it isn't. However, in at least one tragic and horrific case Murdoch's machine may have gone too far, meaning, actually done something so heinous that people could notice.

While doubtless there will be those who claim that using this case to hobble Murdoch is cynically opportunistic it is no more opportunistic than using someone's crime as a reason to put them in jail.

Is this the case than can cut at the root of the rot in the "news" industry?
Yes, Ford have announced they are no longer going to advertise in the News of the World and, in what vaguely reminded me of a passage in Metamorphosis by Kafka, will instead plough the extra advertising money into other News International papers.

It seems that the world really is already past the point of no return.
I saw this on the news and it's so vile....i just have no words.

these people need to be shot in the head and left for dead

Lets face it, when you're as rich and powerful as the Murdochs, it's really the only sort of justice they'll ever likely receive.
these people need to be shot in the head and left for dead

'twas a guilty pleasure indeed, clicking "like" on this. Of course, I'm counting on that fact that if such a thing did happen there would be far too many much better suspects to investigate before coming to harass peons like myself.
I saw this on the news and it's so vile....i just have no words.

The most vile thing about it is that it's not even remotely surprising and, as can be seen from the stance of Ford, will likely make very little, lasting difference.

Here's one reason why I think that:
The News of the World is the Sunday version of The Sun, the UK's biggest selling paper.
In 1989 there was a disastrous crush at a football match in England. 96 Football fans were killed, mostly from the city of Liverpool. (
The Sun's front page the following Wednesday had the headline, "THE TRUTH", with three sub-headlines: "Some fans picked pockets of victims", "Some fans urinated on the brave cops" and "Some fans beat up PC giving kiss of life".

There was no evidence of any of this. As a result, The Sun (and by extension Murdoch's News International) was roundly condemned and boycotted in Liverpool. Sales dropped nationally. The editor at the time, a complete scumbag of a man called Kelvin Mackenzie, apologised then subsequently claimed he only did so because Murdoch ordered him to as a face saving excercise and that he isn't sorry at all.

Today? Well, it's still the UK's biggest selling paper.

The sad fact is, the majority of the UK public have an attention span lasting not much longer than the next episode of, "I'm a Celebrity Pop Factor; Get My Big X-Brother's Idol Out Of Here!"

They won't care about this in six months time and Murdoch will hardly notice the temporary dent in sales.
'twas a guilty pleasure indeed, clicking "like" on this. Of course, I'm counting on that fact that if such a thing did happen there would be far too many much better suspects to investigate before coming to harass peons like myself.
this is the great thing about being anonymous

I'll get busy wishing cancer on that couldn't hurt, right LOL
The most vile thing about it is that it's not even remotely surprising and, as can be seen from the stance of Ford, will likely make very little, lasting difference.


They won't care about this in six months time and Murdoch will hardly notice the temporary dent in sales.

someone needs to hack murdoch's phone........who knows? maybe we'll find pictures of him doing the pee pee dance and it will get posted on twitter :lol:
wow. Just cutting it off, hoping the gangrene won't spread. Smart and brutal. Hope it doesn't work.
me too........while no one is going to miss that garbage "newspaper", the cancer (murdoch) still exists.
it time we get out the big knife

Dummies and puppets representing Prime Minister David Cameron (L) and Culture Secretary Jeremy Hunt (R) are held aloft by Rupert Murdoch at the launch of the campaign group Hacked off near Parliament on July 6, 2011 in London, England. The Prime Minister has promised that there will be a public inquiry into phone hacking carried out by journalists at The News of the World newspaper.

(Photo 8 in slideshow)


I was just reading that sewage continues to seep from the cracks at News International and that the house is built on sand and the foundations are shifting

Murdoch may lose substantial political power and that would be no bad thing. He choses British Prime Ministers, Canadian Prime Ministers, Australian Prime Ministers and American Presidents.

There is even talk of getting the Us to prosecute Murdoch under the US Foreign Corrupt Practices Act which could certainly help in the de-licensing of Murdoch. That would be amazing.
Oh boy, dammit, yes - it looks like Murdoch's engine is on fire and he's going down - spiralling to the ground and I just hope his canopy sticks.

Telegraph's live blog

Including such gems as:
15.56 Extraordinary new allegations from The Guardian's Nick Davies on the Gordon Brown hacking. Among the details, not only were Mr Brown's Abbey National bank details accessed - a "blagger" posed as Brown six times, according to the bank - but his lawyers, Allen & Overy, were tricked into handing over details from his file. And, perhaps most shockingly, details of the medical history of their son James Fraser, who suffers from cystic fibrosis, were obtained.
In another, huge, twist, it was not the News of the World who was behind these alleged intrusions. The bank details and the legal file were apparently obtained by The Sunday Times, while it seems thatJames's medical records were obtained by The Sun, who then published a story about his condition.

Yes, that says Gordon Brown's bank info and the medical records of his son were hacked. And yes, it says it was by other Murdoch papers than News of the World. It's his whole dirty business - half propaganda machine, half spy agency. The strings lead right from the politicians to the puppeteer.

11.23 Ed Miliband has added his voice to that of Nick Clegg for Rupert Murdoch to drop his BSkyB bid, calling it "completely untenable", and said that Rebekah Brooks should "take responsibility" and resign, and Mr Murdoch should accept it. "And of course he should apologise", he adds.

I'd love to see this TV deal evaporate and even have Murdoch sued in the US and lose licenses there too. Doubtless he will fight, he is ruthless and headstrong but he may have received a mortal wound and at his age he may just not have it in him.
I don't want to jink's this but I REALLY want to start doing the Happy Dance
