It LIVES!!!!!


Active Member
May 17, 2005
Reaction score
First "real" post on the new site. So far so good. :) How's everyone else's experience?
look! I can change font faces !:(
no dancing bananas, however
I'll have to see what I can do about that.. Gotta find the dancing banana smiley now.
Made it at last, with thanks to Wayne. :pint:
As a webhamster, I gotta point out something so cool about this new software. Specifically -- unlike vB or PHPBB, each smiley can have multiple codes. So, not only can you get your "pint" on, but you can also "drink" and "beer". (Got it working for ya this morning, along with;

:madashell: - Mad As Hell
:bump: - Bump
:lol: - Lol
:whack: - Whack!
and the ever popular
:rtfm: - RTFM.

I think that's most of the top 10, but the entire list can be seen here;
Nice work Wayne, sorry for not getting back here sooner, been having a spot of bother on the old employment front.

Hope everyone is ok?
Hi Alan,

We're pretty much hanging in there, same as it ever was. Let us know if we can help.

First "real" post on the new site. So far so good. :) How's everyone else's experience?

It looking pretty good, eh?

Navigation is a bit different but hey, variety is the spice of life and all that.
It looking pretty good, eh?

Navigation is a bit different but hey, variety is the spice of life and all that.
wait until you discover the coolness of the Alerts, "following" someone and linking up to facebook.

Whayzzat Has Arrived!! WOOT!
As a webhamster, I gotta point out something so cool about this new software. Specifically -- unlike vB or PHPBB, each smiley can have multiple codes. So, not only can you get your "pint" on, but you can also "drink" and "beer". (Got it working for ya this morning, along with;

:madashell: - Mad As Hell
:bump: - Bump
:lol: - Lol
:whack: - Whack!
and the ever popular
:rtfm: - RTFM.

I think that's most of the top 10, but the entire list can be seen here;

I hate to steal your thunder but both pint and drink work on ;)
Is there a curry smiley?
Not yet. Say, that's not a bad idea, but I can imagine it wouldn't get much use without regular visitations from the usual suspects.

Anyway, hows tricks, Fluffy?
I hate to steal your thunder but both pint and drink work on ;)
Hmmm ok, but not as the same database entry. They're entered as separate smileys.. :)

Hmmm ok, but not as the same database entry. They're entered as separate smileys.. :)


Yeah, I have to give you that. They point at the same image though, AFAIK :)

I had to add it, the locals couldn't get used to typing the "drink" version ;)
Buncha lightweight drinkers. :)
Someone out there keeps screwing with the formatting of the box placement on the main page. I'm not sure whether it's a glitch in the security (aka, a bug) or someone might have access that they shouldn't. Until I can sort it out, I will need to remove customization permissions from ALL.

Status updates were put on top on the main page for a reason, and I'd like to keep them there.
Someone out there keeps screwing with the formatting of the box placement on the main page. I'm not sure whether it's a glitch in the security (aka, a bug) or someone might have access that they shouldn't. Until I can sort it out, I will need to remove customization permissions from ALL.

Status updates were put on top on the main page for a reason, and I'd like to keep them there.
it ain't me!
it's probably one of the weirdos on this board

and we all know who THEY are :cool: