Redistribution of Wealth


Active Member
May 17, 2005
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The video talks primarily about a particular cooperative bank but also describes how wealth is redistributed in the current system. There is a hidden tax already built into everything you buy that redistributes wealth.

For anyone who is incredulous about the example of consequences of interest, remember that doubling time is roughly 70 divided by the interest rate. Once you know that you know how many doublings you get in a given period.

1 doubling gives you 2 times what you started with. 5 doublings gives 32 times. 10 doublings gives 1024 times. 20 doublings is roughly a million times and 30 is about a billion times.
We wouldn't see this in the US. I'm going to blame the colleges. why? The Economic professors need to accept and teach right-wing economic theory. They claim that unfettered capitalism will produce the best system. Interestingly enough in the 1770s most of these people cried and went back to Europe declaring America will be a failure.

Somewhow we've enabled them to have power in our society in the late 20th Century. Their actions have unquestionably driven the nation from a height of middle class wealth in the 60s consistently lower.