is it possible to change my id ?

robert l. bentham

Active Member
Nov 16, 2011
Reaction score
id like it to be robert l. bentham instead of theonestonecutter... is that an unresolvable issue?
id like it to be robert l. bentham instead of theonestonecutter... is that an unresolvable issue?

Ach! Installed Kapersky, not the browser is acting up.

@the -- Sure, why not?
Mahtneb l. trebor
No lemons, no melon
Gateman a foe of a nametag
Dot saw I was Tod
Star comedy by Democrats
Pull up, Bob, pull up!
Swap for a pair of paws?
See, we prefer pewees
Mahtneb l. trebor
No lemons, no melon
Gateman a foe of a nametag
Dot saw I was Tod
Star comedy by Democrats
Pull up, Bob, pull up!
Swap for a pair of paws?
See, we prefer pewees

you sir, are completely bored.... but thank you for your energy....i chortled with much glee when i read some of those.... :confused:
Maybe you could just use a photo of yourself as an avatar. Oh wait....
No! Can't be done! Never! Are you insane? WTF are you thinking you humble bastard?!?!

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