Changing the light bulb?


Active Member
Aug 25, 2005
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Q: How many Republicans does it take to change a light bulb?

A: None! They all just sit around and blame Obama for not changing it.
Q: How many Democrats does it take to change a light bulb?

The Obama White House Spokesman will appear on the Sunday morning news that the light bulb burned out because of a hateful youtube video.

Democratic Senators will then make weeks of speeches blaming George W. Bush’s for the light bulb failure. Then Chris Mathews will be holding panel discussions on MSNBC every evening on why George W Bush installed light bulbs that only fail as black and never as white. The panel will reach agreement that Bush let the light bulb burn out, because he hates black people.

Then the Congressional Black Caucus will need to form a committee to do research on what new type of light will be used as a replacement that will not be racist, and discuss how much in repartitions they will be owed for being subjected to the old racist white light bulb. The committee determines that Red light bulbs should be used as the replacement.

Obama will hold a press conference with school children standing behind him as he explains the impact of
burned out bulbs on our children and how the mean-spirited Republicans want our children to grow up in darkness

The Democratic unions will not want the light bulb changed by some scab non-union worker in a right-to-work state, so a Democratic sub-committee must add an amendment requesting funding for the changing of the Light bulb, requiring all work must comply with the Davis-Bacon prevailing wage determination.

Then Democratic sub-committee on light bulb financing must then determine the manufacturer of the non racist light bulb, GE will be determined to be the only contractor who can meet the new light bulb specifications and will be awarded a the contract, and in addition receive another 10 billion dollar tax break on some unrelated projects, keeping their federal income tax rates unbelievably low.

Obama will have the EPA study the impact of removal and re installation of the light bulb

Obama proposes a tax on those who are unfairly able to buy and change their own light bulbs.

Obama then instructs 5,000 Bureaucrats to make sure that the bulb is changed correctly, doesn't offend anyone, doesn't impact the environment, doesn't unfairly benefit one group, doesn't harm anyone during the installation

they'll finish, right after they finish the Keystone pipeline review.


the light bulb never gets changed, but it will be the Democratic campaign issue for the 2016 election